Oct 02, 2008 18:42

So I'm sitting here watching the Vice Presidential Debate on Fox News. My goal is not to get political and biased on this post. However, if you are reading this now, I'm encouraging you to first get educated. Know what YOU stand for, and understand what the presidential candidates stand for. Then, I encourage you to take responsibility, and do your part to vote. If you are 18 in America, you have been given the right to vote in this country. One of the things that this country suffers from is lack of participation. If you neglect to take advantage of your right to vote, then you have no right to complain about half the things that have gone wrong in this country. There is absolutely no excuse. I've heard way too much of "I'm not voting because I haven't been keeping up." So get caught up! It seriously takes not even an hour to read up on the issues. My parents moved to America for opportunity, and it's sad to see how many Americans are too lazy to take advantage of the freedoms that we have here.

I am not one to start a political debate, but the one thing that bothers the crap out of me is someone voting for someone without knowing and understanding what that person stands for. Kudos to all that are doing their part and taking responsibility. Please encourage your friends and family to do the same. I've come across a great site that seems to be fairly unbiased where you can easily get educated. On this site, you can take a quick simple survey on the election issues, and the results will show how your answers line up with the presidential candidates. I know we're all "busy", but please MAKE TIME to take responsibility for our freedoms. One way or another, the results of this election will affect you at some point in your life. Now going back on my statement that America as being lazy, on a more positive note, the rate of young voters has increased per 2008 Primaries' statistics. Let's keep it up.

Ok, off my soap box I go.. here's the site:
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