I am a real gamer?!

May 23, 2004 18:10

I really like Settlers of Catan. Oliver turned me on to it and it wasn't but a few weeks later that he proclaimed "I created a monster." YES, I will admit it I like board games (and card games)! However, RPGs have not caught me in their grip and for the moment I am not addicted to any computer games (Diablo I&II once ensnared me and perhaps SIMs). This is not to say I have not found some RPGs enjoyable...I've enjoyed L5R and D&D on occasion. The only LARP game I've played in was Fading Suns and I was a kick-ass duelist. I love playing kick-ass, mighty, gruff, and tank-like characters. But where am I going with this???

Well last night, I invited Sandra over to play settlers with Oliver and I and some other people who couldn't end up making it. So it was just the three of us. (Thinking of Settlers: pats upper arm) I suggested that we play with the Seafarers expansion, because I had played a really interesting six player game the night before that had developed well and involved much exploring of face down hexes. I was jonesing for another game.

So we played, revealing the whole board by the end. An awesome game. Oliver won and congrats to him. We had begun around 10pm and now it was just past midnight and I was looking for a game. Oliver had bought me the Cities and Knights expansion a week ago and due to time restriction caused by school and studying I had not yet got a chance to play with my new shiny toy. So I threw an idea out there "Hey, you guys up for another game, maybe Cities and Knights this time?" They both looked at me a bit surprised, but being gamers immediately answered with their standard response "Yeah, sure!"

And so we played. While Sandra set-up and explained the rules to me, Oliver made brownies for us to snack on. Both of them had played the expansion before, I was the only newbie. I put forth a good effort for my first game and the race for winner was actually quite close--It was intense! INTENSE partly because their was alot of bitching going on--we were tired and a bit short with one another. I didn't win, but finished with a solid thirteen points (no small feat). Oliver actually one this round as well, but if he hadn't in that last turn Sandra would have taken the victory home. I love close games!

So we called it a night...or rather morning. We had been hearing birds chirping for awhile now...it was past 4 in the morning. Sandra had heard those bird all too often this past week, what with working on her project and such, and couldn't believe it was so late. So we said our goodbyes and went to bed, but not before Oliver said "ya know, your officially a gamer now." To which, I must admit, my immediate reaction was "but...I don't want to be a dirty gamer." But hey, this is a good thing right? Admitting is the first step.

So...who's up for a game heh?


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