Apr 21, 2011 22:54
Vacation is awesome, mostly 'cause there are ZERO expectations.
At SFO I was working--sending work emails--right up until the moment we boarded the plane. Once I shut the laptop to board I entered the zone. Vacation began immediately. On the plane I enjoyed many guilty pleasures. I knitted; my second sock of the pair is about 5 repeats of the pattern from finished. I watched Toy Story 3 and Tangled, both of which I hadn't seen and found incredible cute. I also watched 3 new episodes of the IT Crowd and the cherry on top of this indulgent sundae was the Madonna episode of Glee. I knitted some more and read a few short stories from Chipmunk Seeks Squirrel.
I slept for the first time ever on the plane. I think I got a good 6 glorious hours.
Mum and Dad picked us up and we came home and had a cup of coffee. Next, I went for a run around the neighborhood. It was warm and the streets were at a bit of an incline so it was a very short jaunt, but I enjoyed it. I hope to get out for a bit each day I'm here, though much earlier in the day I am thinking. I'm looking to do some skating, hiking and hopefully rock-climbing. I very much EAT like I am on vacation here, so it's nice to be able to do something physical to counter it a bit this time around, and I am looking forward to the exercise.
We've eaten lunch. I've started up a new knitting project. I've had a cuddle with Jasper and Tiger--two very awesome vacation cats (Ollie's parents' two boys). Next up is tea (dinner), rhubarb cake, board games (I assume), and trying to stay up as long as we possibly can.