May 19, 2008 23:01
This is what I know of the world: life is short. Death is a little tiny bit, and eternity is eternity. This world continues to turn because of inertia and gravity and because that is how it has always been. The sun never rises and sets, it stays put in one place and it is up to you to make a day a day, a night a night, and to be willful enough to make them all happen. There is rain only in your side of the world. Storms come and go. The sun never turns itself off, so however wet and dripping and miserable you are, somehow, somewhere else in the world, there is sunshine.
There is always sunshine.
Life is short and you are living it. It is only now, it can stop at anytime, and then you die. this life is a tiny dash in your tombstone (yes, the joke) and it will be pathetic in its shortness, in its smallness put in the grand scheme of things, so do something drastic. Live your life drastically. Death never waits for anyone, she comes and goes, and when she comes, that is it.
And after life, after death, there is eternity. It goes on forever. It is composed of the heaven and the hell and the where-you-will-be-at. It will be long and you will never leave it. It is the end to all your means. It does not end. It is amazingly important, and so how you spend it, how you live-die-exist in it is incredibly, amazingly important, too. And what decides that is your life. Your little, inconsequential, fatalistic human life.
What happens when you are drastic? Exactly, what does that entail? And what sort of repercussions, consequences, will it have on everything else? This tiny thing is like the pebble dropped in the water; there will be big, there will be huge ripples extending outward, getting bigger and bigger, beyond philosophies and loves and dimensions, extending right into the mind of God where everything gets decided. What you do in this tiny life decides what you will do forever. And because it is tiny, you live it as much as possible, as best as possible. And because it determines the where-you-will-be-at of eternity, you live it as well as possible, as meaningful as possible, as beautiful and sacred and God-glorifying as possible.
Oh yes.
So, do not waste your life. And do not waste your soul. Be good, go out in the sunshine, and love God in everything you do! Life is strange and beautiful, more strange than beautiful, but only when you care enough to notice the difference.
p.s.: And that was me being incoherent. :) This is what i truly know of the world: I am hungry, and am off to lunch now.
and others,