Who Fic: Faraway (1/1), Ten/Rose

Apr 29, 2007 23:57

Title: Faraway
Author: goldy_dollar
Disclaimer: I don’t own Doctor Who. I’m just playing with it.
Pairing/Keywords: Ten/Rose, Martha
Summary: Inspired by that line in EotD: Sometimes I say something… or do something… and he looks at me, and I just sort of think… he’s not seeing me. He’s just remembering.
Spoilers: Vague S3 through Evolution of the Daleks.
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doctor who, doctor/rose, ten/rose

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goldy_dollar May 1 2007, 01:26:17 UTC
As someone else who frequently disregrards schoolwork to squee over Doctor/Rose (but I don't even do that productively, 'cause I don't produce nearly as much fic), I support your endeavours.

I know, right? I think I got into Doctor Who at the end of LAST semester when I was studying for finals in December. If I fail out of school horribly, I'll blame David Tennant.

Your voices are so good, and you do that thing where you actually MANAGE to stay in one viewpoint instead of flicking back from Ten to Rose like I would do.

Thank you! Ten really just went and hijacked my brain and I'm actually proud of how this came out, considering what a struggle ficcings been recently. And I like the way you alternate POV.

And the other awesome thing is that you have him forcing a smile at Martha and being all cheery when he's really just dying inside about Rose, which means that every time he says something nice about Martha in the episodes from now on, I'm going to assume he's dying inside about Rose.

I feel like I've been able to assume that since Martha had that line. Besides, you know me. I could probably fanwank anything. And I think he IS thinking about her a lot. He was thinking about her all the way through Evolution of the Daleks even if he never said her name. I don't even HAVE to fanwank it that much. Have I mentioned how glad I am that they're keeping up the emotional continuity? (Russell, I probably won't doubt you again. Maybe. We'll see.)

I got really depressed the other day because I thought that all my DW efforts are concentrated on wanting something to be true that really isn't true for the producers, i.e. They Were Shagging in the TARDIS.

Shagging! No, I don't think it was actual and real canon, BUT I totally think you can put in the shagging without it changing the story at all. Because it can SO fit between the lines and you can absolutely believe it happened. But the greatest part about Doctor/Rose? It so doesn't matter if it *didn't* happen because it ultimately wasn't what their relationship was about. *adores*

(Also, when Jack returns we had better get some SERIOUS discussion and Rose angsting, Y/N?!)

I... hope. But I am seriously digging all the quieter and more subtle stuff, too.

Anyway, I LOVE YOU, NINA. Thank you for being awesome. And PLEASE continue to be so. :D


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