Title: Out of the Howling (part 10/12)
goldy_dollar &
_thirty2flavorsRating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Ten II/Rose
Genre: Angst, drama
Summary: Six years after Bad Wolf Bay, Rose gets a message from another universe.
Excerpt: “Oh, don’t flatter yourself. I don’t want this. I don’t want you.” Everything was stirred up now - his anger with the Master, with himself,
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Yeah, the Doctor's motivations here were kind of a combination of all those things, which if it isn't clear yet will hopefully become clearer in the next chapter. It is admittedly not the greatest plan he's ever conceived of and I think he'd be pretty aware of that, but if it accomplishes the two main objectives of keeping Rose and the TARDIS safe so be it. And Ten in particular always seems sort of insecure about whether his influence in people's life is positive or negative, so I think when it came down to it he'd be quick to decide that Rose would be fine if not better off without him around anyway. (I don't think Rose would agree.)
I'm glad you liked the bit about stargazing! And the introspection. I worry sometimes that it's too much since there are certain schools of thought re: writing that you shouldn't ~tell the reader what the character is feeling, but... lol it's what I like to write and read, so eh.
And it's really nice to hear that you liked how the Master was written because I think we both found him really difficult to write, although I did have some fun in this chapter with him and the Doctor really going in at each other. Their relationship can be really hard to pin down and sometimes it felt like a struggle to get quite right. The Master especially lends himself to cartoonyness really easily.
Thanks again!
Yeah, that bit of writing advice by Chuck Palahniuk that goes around is the sort of thing that would make one a bit insecure about one's writing, but although it's nice to keep in mind, it's not something that would suit every occasion. I mean, imagine Hamlet without the introspection. Sorry, Chuck, but I'm gonna side with Shakespeare on that one. I think in this fic the introspection is needed and is very effective.
Hmm, I would have thought Cloen would be past that whole insecurity about whether he's a good or bad influence. In Ten's case is because he does uproot people's lives completely, whereas Cloen has merely slotted himself neatly into the life Rose had already been leading for years. I think he wouldn't ever think that Rose would be better off without him in any way. The conundrum would be if she'd deal with losing him forever better if she knew that he'd be just as heart-broken about it or if she thought that it's what he wanted anyway. Looking forward to what Rose has to say on the subject.
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