Title: Catch Me
Fandom: Hellsing
Characters: Alucard and Seras Victoria
Prompt: 64. Fall
Word Count: 126
Rating: G
Summary: I’m falling.
Author’s notes: A poem. With metaphors like woah.
Catch me, I’m falling.
Were you the one who pushed me
or did I jump?
Catch me, I’m falling.
You know why you fell.
I gave you wings for your fall,
why don’t you use them?
You know why you fell.
I don’t know, tell me!
Was it you or was it me?
Why can’t I know?
Hurry, catch me!
No, not yet, not yet.
The only difference between falling
and flying is touching the ground.
You have wings, use them.
I’m scared, I can’t.
You’re not here, I’m lost.
The wind’s getting faster,
The ground’s getting closer!
Why do you fear?
I’m waiting for you to fly.
The wind’s not so bad
when the ground’s far away.
Catch me, I’m falling!
No need, you flew.
Little Damn Chart Archive