Angry angry Canadian political rant

Jan 26, 2009 13:29

I know that I already mentioned my visceral hate of rabid separatists* in a previous journal entry but I saw something on TV during lunch break that only consolidate said hate.

There's a (ridiculous) debate about whether or not there should be a reconstitution of the battle of the Plains of Abraham, in the historical district of Quebec City. The problem is not financial as I first expected. No! Some people from the separatism movement claim that it would a horrible to commemorate a battle where the French lost Quebec to the English invaders. It's an historical event of massive importance in the history of not only Quebec but the whole of north America but noooooooo! We should do as if it never happened, erase it from history, because it hurts the feeling of some idiot separatists that completely lost contact with reality.
This is looking more and more like Castro's regime.

But what really takes the cake is the tv show itself. The interviewer was clearly and openly a separatist himself and what should have been an impartial interview turned into separatist propaganda. It was like listening to delusional psychiatric patients. They went as far as compare this battle to the invasion of European countries by the nazi. They lost what remained of their credibility at that point.

For this kind of people, being a separatist and fixating on events that happened in the 1700's and 1800's is the only way to be proud of your French Canadian ancestry. I'm a French Canadian, Quebecer and I'm extremely proud of my ancestry but that doesn't stop me from being a federalist. :-|

* Please note the use of "rabid" here. I'm a very respectful person and I'm sure there is decent people out there who happened to be separatists. I would gladly discuss politic in a friendly and respectful way with them if only I could find one who actually have real arguments to back his position in a civic manner.

rant, politics

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