Brief Bio

Apr 05, 2013 00:46

Hi! I'm Teaseranne, and it's really your perspective that determines whether that's Teas Eranne or Teaser Anne.

Coming late to the Prince of Tennis party, I am eager to make up the "lost" time and open to any recs (should anyone stumble upon this journal). There's a slight chance that I might post some fic here myself, though my favorite pairs (Silver Pair, Platinum Pair) have been written so well by various authors that there isn't much I feel I can add right now to the pool.

Thankfully, the rage over Kuroko no Basuke hasn't ended yet, and I have thrown myself into the manga whole-heartedly, or, err, without looking back. AU tends to be my preferred playground when it comes to fanfiction, and I get the feeling (from the various bunnies that have begun nibbling on my toes) that this will also be the case for KnB. There's a very good chance I will post anything for that 'verse here.

Otherwise, I'm here to read and rave over other authors who lurk in this social pool.

pot, bio, knb
