A nagging reminder for Americans: REGISTER!!

Sep 13, 2004 20:11

Hey Americans! I come to nag you! A couple of months ago I posted urging all Americans who read this LJ to register to vote -- well, I'm posting again to nag you once more. OMG! The Return of the Nag!

Why? Two reasons. First, whatever your political convictions, this is an important election! Second, you may or may not be facing a deadline to register thirty days in advance of the election. Don't let your good intentions go to waste -- if you've never voted before, or if you've recently moved, or if you're in college and you don't know whether you should try to vote where you live or where you go to school, it's time to check this out. Deadlines vary from state to state, and for some of you time may be running out.

For further information on deadlines in your state and on how you can do this (it's easy! in most cases you can download a form on the web and then register by mail!) go to the incomparable rakshi's great Hobbits for Voter Registration site.

Also: FREE PROPAGANDA ICONS! Below the cut tag you'll find FREE FOR THE TAKING a set of hobbit-related voter registration icons (with a couple of new HP-related icons, because I've fallen for H/D slash like a paralyzed falcon and could not resist making them). Please feel free to take as many as you want, and the hell with credit. Take my icons! Please!

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