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danachan August 4 2004, 06:51:11 UTC
How am I suppose to attempt serious comments when you say things like...

Ooooh, Banewort! Sounds Orcish to me. On the other hand "Kiss-her-in-the-Buttery" does NOT sound Orcish: "Seizing him roughly Ugluk pulled him into a sitting position, and tore the bandage off his head. Then he smeared the wound with some Kiss-her-in-the-buttery out of a small wooden box. Merry cried out and struggled wildly."

No. Not Orcish. Banewort would definitely work better there.

... that? *attempts stern looks, dissolves into giggles* You know, not that I mind. I'll just have to think about the Pippin question while at work; again, not that I mind.


teasel August 4 2004, 06:56:42 UTC
Ooooh, Dana's on the case! Sorry to have made you giggle when we're in pursuit of such a Serious Issue. I look forward to your thoughts on the subject!


danachan August 4 2004, 07:05:31 UTC
Heh. Thanks! I'm probably thinking that it's just a general border, less than the actual part of the Shire that he's been living in. Just the Shire as a whole. (And he isn't allowed to be Saradoc's unaknowledged love child, because that would make all that sex with Merry kind of more wrong be just not right.) Still, I'll give it further thought and I might just get back to you after work, if said further thought spawns anything good.

Fostering, though. That makes me think.

And since I'm lazy and I'm here: would you be free for a small beta? It's that incredibly short Dernhelm/Merry that I mentioned once upon a time.


singeaddams August 4 2004, 07:12:17 UTC
What Dana said. Shire, not Buckland. And thank you both for cracking my shit up at work. I'm trying to pretend a coworker's email set me off. Bweeheehee!


teasel August 4 2004, 07:36:08 UTC
Hmmm, I'm beginning to be persuaded by the five or six or seven or eight of you who have come to this conclusion that perhaps you may be right. (I'm stubborn, but not crazy). Argh, it just reads weirdly to me, is all, particularly in the context of the next sentence.

As for betaing -- oooooh, I'd love to, but my beta dance card is very full at the moment and I'll have to beg off. Too many people are already tapping their feet and glaring meaningfully in my direction already. Which reminds me I really should get off LJ and get to work already.


strangerian August 4 2004, 21:51:42 UTC
On the other hand "Kiss-her-in-the-Buttery" does NOT sound Orcish

That's because the Orcish name for it is Glasshrk-na-Phloomff-Rragh,, which curiously enough translates as, "Bash him at the nearest feeding trough," and sometimes leads to Orcish couplings when properly applied.

However, I'm pretty sure the orcs were using banewort (steeped in very bad brandy) on Merry.


teasel August 6 2004, 04:46:31 UTC
*screams* Thank you for that insight into Orcish culture, which sounds to me completely accurate. (The sound a little like Klingons -- does this explain something about the Star Trek universe that we didn't know?)


strangerian August 6 2004, 09:04:36 UTC
Not something *I* knew, but it sounds apposite for Klingons. Maybe that's where the orcs all went when Sauron was defeated, and Klingon are orcs working out their own destiny.

I *don't* think there's any Infinite Evil directing Klingon society which will have to be quelled by Frodo Wesley Crusher trudging to a volcano and dropping in some dilithium crystals.


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