This is Nancy's niece Michelle.
I am posting here to let you all know that Nancy passed away Sunday morning July 19,2009. I felt honored and privledged to be able to hold her hand in her final moments so she was not alone :-)
There are a few things I know she would want me to mention to her "online family" which is what she considered all of you here on Live Journal. Zoey was completely settled into her home with a Friend of Nancy's. She is a nice single woman with much love and patience. Zoe actually allowed her to pick her up without any fuss or trouble. I know Zoe will get the same treatment and love that Nancy showered on her for many years to come. As soon as Nancy knew that Zoe was taken care of and content, her own health deteriorated rapidly. She told me several time that now she was ready, so I am glad she didn't wait long!
I honestly haven't had the time or heart to read this journal yet. But Nancy did ask me to when I was able so I will be sure to do just that. In talking to her and getting to know her and help her I do know that she thought alot about the friendships she made here. This site and the friends on it were truely a blessing to her and for that I want to thank you all.
I am really not sure how this site works, but if you want to comment feel free. There is also a memorial page for her at the funeral home website if you wanted to comment there. (hopefully this link will work) This will be Nancy's Final Entry. As she always said recently its too hard to say Goodbye, so she will "see you all later"
With Much Love and thanks !
Michelle (Nancy's Niece)