In which this is the best and worst time of my life

Jun 24, 2016 19:53

I've thought a lot about whether or not I should post anything. I'm not here enough. But I figure why not. I told you all about the insanity around infertility treatments - even if I did leave off the bit about the retrieval, being too stimulated to do the transfer that month, waiting, hormone injections, the transfer, more hormone injections, and the wait.

I knew three days after the transfer. I waited another three to do a home test. Then two more to get the blood work confirm from the infertility doctor. So here I am, telling you all, that I'm pregnant (11 weeks today!) and due January 13th!

This was our announcement card. We're at our favorite vacation spot. The small jersey between us says "gołabki." That's stuffed cabbage in Polish. Yes. We opted for that instead of peanut or bean or whatever. It's amusing to us.

It's an exciting time, to be sure. I'm generally very happy and over the moon. Except. I was so so sick for the first seven weeks after the transfer. Like, I lost 10 pounds because I couldn't eat. The nausea and lack of appetite was constant. At least I wasn't puking too. All that went away about 2 weeks ago, and my appetite is slowly coming back. I've gained back about 1.5 pounds.

The hormones have been INSANE. Generally happy, but I get really down very easily now. I could be sitting around watching tv or reading, and suddenly all I want to do is cry.

It also doesn't help that I'm diabetic. If you don't know, diabetes can cause all sorts of problems to unborn babies (overly large in size, respiratory distress, premature birth, hypoglycemia and seizures after birth, and even death), not to mention it puts me at higher risk of developing preeclampsia, which comes with it's own horrible problems. So, I'm now on insulin. I don't mind this at all, actually. What I do mind is that my diet had to suddenly and drastically change pretty much overnight. I have to seriously watch my carbohydrate intake. Which means that pretty much all my comfort foods are now off-limits. It sucks.

I have been sick, tired, and denied the foods I love most. I swing between being okay and being deeply depressed over it. I can't understand - at least not yet - how people love being pregnant. Especially if they have medical issues that make them high risk. So yes. I'm very, very glad I am pregnant. I just hate being pregnant.

baby talk, emo!maggie, depression

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