So, I asked for permission to podfic this fic pretty much as soon as it posted on
hd-fan-fair's Career Fair 2012. I messaged the mods and they got in touch with the lovely
renrenren3. It's been well over a year, but it's finally done, and so worth it (I think). Thanks so much Ren for giving permission to record. Hope you all enjoy!
Title: The Purpose of Rubber Ducks
renrenren3Summary: Harry likes his job in the Office for the Regulamentation and Control of Interweb Publications well enough, but Malfoy's being a git and making trouble as usual. Luckily Harry can go home and chat with his new friend, the anonymous comedy blogger who's so popular with wizards and Muggles alike... Features Muggles, inter-office memos, house-elves, rubber ducks, 4am chats, and porn. Because that's what the internet is for.
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Harry/Draco, Ron/Hermione
Rating: PG-13
Cover art:
teas_melength: 01:44:39
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here at AO3 This entry was originally posted on my