Master List of Podfic

Sep 01, 2020 17:54

All works point to my AO3 account

Harry Potter


The Purpose of Rubber Ducks [renrenren3, PG-13, 01:44:39] Harry likes his job in the Office for the Regulamentation and Control of Interweb Publications well enough, but Malfoy's being a git and making trouble as usual. Luckily Harry can go home and chat with his new friend, the anonymous comedy blogger who's so popular with wizards and Muggles alike... Features Muggles, inter-office memos, house-elves, rubber ducks, 4am chats, and porn. Because that's what the internet is for.

I Was A Teenage Werewolf [treacle_tartlet, NC-17, 00:22:20] Harry Potter -- Boy-Who-Lived, Chosen One, and... well... werewolf -- has returned to Hogwarts (at Hermione’s insistence) to finish his education. On top of classes and homework, he’s living in a tent (again) and helping to run the weekly HOWL -- Hogwarts Organisation for the Welfare of Lycanthropes -- meetings. What’s more, there’s something odd about Malfoy...

Wayward Owls and Pub Hunts [dysonrules, NC-17, 0:52:00] When Pigwidgeon develops a crush on Draco Malfoy's owl, it's up to Harry to retrieve the lovelorn animal. Again. Harry should probably do something about keeping Pig contained...

Here's the Pencil, Make it Work [ignatiustrout, NC-17, 05:21:55] Harry thinks, "Why is Malfoy working in a coffee shop in muggle London?" is a much simpler question than, "Are you going to accept that auror offer and, if you don't, what will you do?"


Wish List [libby_drew, PG-13, 0:10:22] It's Christmas and Harry's back to ask Severus the same question he does every year. Recorded for hp_podfic_fest 2011.

Shall Yourselves Find Blessing [quill_lumos, NC-17, 1:19:22] Written for the 2008 Secret Santa Swap at Yahoo group, Severus Sighs for atypicalsnowman. Recorded for hp_podfic_fest 2011.

Playing with Matches [emynn, NC-17, 1:24:48] Harry Potter finds no greater happiness in life than helping others fall in love. But he can’t quite seem to summon that same joy when Severus Snape shows up and asks him to find his match. Recorded for podficbigbang 2012.


I'll Be Home for Christmas [rickey_a, PG, 0:07:15] Harry & Ron surprise the Weasley’s by returning home after several months of travel. Recorded for hp_podfic_fest 2011.


Errant Child [meglw0228, R, 0:07:19] Scorpius tries to seduce his teacher. Unfortunately it does not turn out how he expects. Recorded for hp_podfic_fest 2012.


Surfacing [crazyparakiss, R, 0:06:56] Written for the 2012 dysfuncentine fest. She feels more alive when almost drowning.

Albus Severus/Scorpius

Pin-up Girl [kitty_fic, PG-13, 0:02:04] James thinks he's funny but it's Scorpius who gets the last laugh.


Act of Contrition [rivertempest, NC-17, 0:07:42] Severus loves her best on bended knee. Recorded for hp_podfic_fest 2012.


Tis Not a Fault to Love [rivertempest, NC-17, 01:08:13] In a bid to win back his lover, Severus embarks on a journey fraught with emotional entanglements. This, of course, is all Charlie Weasley’s fault. Recorded for hp_podfic_fest 2012.

Draco/Albus Severus

Against Medi-Wand Advice... [curiouslyfic, NC-17, 00:35:45] Twelve days before his live-in's meant to have a bloody great showdown with the entirety of his profession, Albus Potter has an incident at work. It is incredibly ill-timed. Recorded for hp_podfic_fest 2013.


The Mirror Lied [
stripped, R, 00:12:09] When you've always known you like girls, it's easy to grow up believing you were really meant to be a boy. After all, that's the way the world works, isn't it? Boys like girls. Girls like boys. If you like girls, you must be a boy, especially if you were born with the bits boys have.

Neville/Draco/Lily Luna

Daddy's Little Girl: a series [tryslora, NC-17, 02:15:01] A collection of nine fics written for kink_bingo. So yes, each of them is full of kinky hot. An exploration a D/s relationship between Neville, Draco, and Lily Luna.


The Right Way to an O [tryslora, NC-17, 00:05:44] Percy is given that troll of a Slytherin to tutor: Marcus Flint. He makes sure Marcus gets his O. Recorded for hp_podfic_fest 2013.

Oh Glory [tryslora, NC-17, 00:59:25] Marcus Flint discovered the glory hole in the Hog’s Head tavern during his second seventh year at Hogwarts. But he keeps coming back for that glorious mouth, and wanting more, and more. Until he finds out who it is, and that only makes him more determined to get what he wants. Recorded for hp_podfic_fest 2013.



Chains of Earth [dysonrules, NC-17, 96k words] Draco is kidnapped and forced to make a choice between taking his own life or becoming something less than human. Of course, he makes the right decision. Enter Harry, who discovers he has a bit of a thing for wings.


Second Best [joanwilder a.k.a. RaeWhit, NC-17, 23,275 words] Two lonely men find each other in an internet chat room, and ultimately discover that it is, indeed, a small world after all.

Cambiare Podentes: Invocare [jordangrant, NC-17, 302,717 words] A new prophecy comes to light, one that promises death for Harry Potter and enslavement for the wizarding world, unless Harry himself consents to being enslaved--irrevocably and for life--to Severus Snape.

Cambiare Podentes: Madurare [jordangrant, NC-17, 318,511 words] Now that Harry has been bound in slavery, how will he and Severus mature the spell to full completion? And how will they deal with the consequences of irrevocable enslavement? The second volume and conclusion to Cambiare Podentes: Invocare.

This entry was originally posted on my Dreamwidth.


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