Oct 09, 2009 17:09
The Lunar Bomber
October 9th, 2009 by Rick Levine
Okay, let me say it right up front: I don’t like that NASA bombed the Moon in search of water. But I must say that I’m intrigued by the reaction of many of my peers who feel that this action is a direct assault on the feminine, that the Goddess will not take kindly to this action, and that we have now upset the cosmic order.
Okay, so I don’t like the idea of crashing a rocket onto the surface of the Moon. But, quite frankly, I don’t like the idea of bombing the Earth either-and yet we do it every day! Sometimes we need an event to focus our helplessness and rage. This might be such an event. Astrologically, catalytic events happen in our personal lives when transits “trigger” a deeper and more powerful configuration. Perhaps this lunar bombing is such an event.
There may be potential harm associated with making a new crater on the Moon as part of a scientific experiment. However, I’m more concerned with what we are doing in our own back yard. Let’s take some of the outrage about NASA’s current (and perhaps misguided) experiment and aim it closer to home. What about trying to stop some of the destruction we are doing to our local ecology? Our rain forests? The oceans? Open pit mining? Electromagnetic pollution? Or what about the environmental impact of our bombing in Afghanistan? And then, there’s the human factor… These issues are, like the rest of life, so simple yet so complex.
What do you think?
lunar bombing,
rick levine