Excuse me for interrupting
qaf_anon reading/your lives, but when you come across a quote like this:
"And my first thought was HOLY FUCK YOU AND GALE WOULD HAVE PURDY CHILDREN" - courtesy of my cohort in digital mischief (and, it appears, punctuation challenged)
url_girl I guess you all know what to expect from my mad professor brain - can't you see the bolts sticking out? Oops, that was Frankenstein. Hey, why are people running away? It's worksafe. Shit, now the rest are leaving *heh*
Ok, since babyse scare some people (well, they would if you left them in my twisted hands), I'm going to show you their grown-up son. However, I must warn you that it somehow ending up looking like it came through Kim's skinny pelvis Mpreg and squeezed it's way through the rectal canal (yes, I *do* realize there's no such thing *phtt*). Oh, and for those who don't want to even contemplate such things, feel free to put your fingers in your ears hands over your eyes and go *lalalalalalalalalalala Gale/Randy lalalalalalalalalalalala Gale/Randy lalalalalalalalalalala Gale/Randy*
Well, if you thought Kale was bad, you obviously didn't see what Jenny Rebecca will probably look like when she
grows up *snort*
Ok, before you run away screaming again, I've recalibrated my Kale erection program to see if we can get a better result.
The young version ... in the middle ...
And the grown-up version ... Kale Mark II
That's a little better, n'est pas?
Also, did you know that GALE & RANDY have made a sekrit pact to grow their hair long so they can tuck it flatly behind their ears to make fans less interested in them?! But that's nothing compared to what I've discovered at the, um, root level.
Well, I've got news for you guys: it ain't WORKING!!!!
Otherwise people wouldn't have posted 69,000 pics of Hippy!Gale (and I don't think that only applies to his hair) *shakes head*
And you have fans who think you look, um, perfectly yummy like this. Someone please let me know where I can sign up to the sekrit G/R hippy!hair cult where I can be brainwashed into thinking this look is OMG-so-fucking-HOT-and-i-want-to-lick-them-all-over-so-I-can-cough-up-hairballs?!!
I seriously think we need a lesson to remind everyone what is GOOD scruffy and what is BAD scruffy. Plus we also need to study whether Gale is wearing a wig because he's actually gone bald???!
Good, subtle scruffy vs
American Werewolf in the Unit aka *puts on best Jennifer voice* what did he do to his hair?! Not only does he have a considerably lighter hair color but his hairline is either advancing *blinks* or his forehead has dropped or capping doesn't work well in widescreen *laughs nervously* *stares*
Good, subtle scruffy vs
Amadeus (I think Randy always had a high forehead. Um, now I'm not sure
fic was an April Fool's Day joke :b).
Sexy scruffy vs
Invasion of the Head Snatchers aka the hair that's taken over our sensibilities--and senses O_O
Ok, please write a thesis on Gale's hair feel free to add your own theories.
And, Messrs H., please go back to your scruffy purty, kthx.