'Tis the Season to be Naughty

Dec 16, 2005 00:40

So, how's my week been so far you don't ask?  It began my ISP (Internet Service Prick) not being able to get it up or keep it up several days in a row.  Followed by partial hearing loss and tinnitus (aka ringing in the ears) which, unfortunately, wasn't due to a great U2 concert the night before (turned out that sinusitis can make you deaf, although nothing which OTC nasal spray can't cure).  Then my financial adviser told me he could wet the papers for me before correcting himself (so I knew it wasn't my impaired hearing/wild imagination at fault) while I sat there poker-faced (and sekritly lmao inside).  Later, another job interview met a dead end which put a dampener on the day despite the earlier damp slip.  Yesterday my furkid violently sneezed several times in a row, slipped a cervical disc and started walking like a hunchbacked crab to cope with the pain.  This afternoon I took him to a voodoo doctor vet who used him as a canine pin cushion to adjust his yin and yang (or yip and yap).   This evening he tried to relax with a dose of endorphins while I tried to relax with a G&T on ice.  Life good.  When tipsy.

And since I have not a tinsel or tree yet in sight, I thought I'd make up for it by making a Silly Season "greeting card" for everyone.  It features a certain blond boy sitting on a certain snarky Santa.   I hope you like it ;)  And remember: don't put your tongue against any frozen rods of steel or it may stick to them.   Ha, just cock teasing - it's relatively work/school safe, don't trust me.

Click if you want to print.

So I was wondering which carols would B/J sing?

Santa Claus is Coming ...
Jingle Balls
The Big Rimmer Boy
White Cream-sauce
Not-So-Silent Night [While Fucking Our Brains Out]
All I Want for Christmas is My Two Real Balls
I'll Be Homo for Cock-'n'-Ass 
Frosty the Snowballing Man
Have Yourself a Merry Little Bubble Ass
Synthetic Balls
Good King of Babylon
It Came Upon the Mid Chest Clear
Angels from the Rims of Gloryholes
Rudolph the Browned Nosed Reindeer

Unfortunately, downloads are unavailable but I'm sure the original tunes (if not the lyrics) are familiar to most of you :p

manips, qaf fundom; xmas

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