Brian and Justin play a game at Babylon called "Just the Two of Us" (208 recap picspam)

Oct 19, 2005 01:23

I thought I'd do some investigative work for lucinda428 who had the following discussion point in her ep 208 meta:

12. There appears to be conjecture about what happens in the B/J scene at the very end, in Babylon, but after they kiss, Brian very definitely pushes Justin away and goes off on the prowl by himself. If anyone disagrees with this, I'd love to hear why.

Well, I have pictorial proof which indicates otherwise ;). But before we get to the end, I thought we should study the beauty that is Gale and Randy who play B/J in this scene. Their facial expressions are gorgeous to behold and Gale's knee bend is in action again during their kisses. However, unlike when they dance together, this time we actually see what goes on below knee level! And it's cute and sexy beyond words *melts*

Brian does his best Leaning Tower of Pisa impression as they Brian survey the guys on the dance floor.

Brian: "So many men ... "

"so little body hair."

And finally we get a smile as those lips press against Justin's cheek.  *wibble*

"See anyone you like?" [Um, who did Brian just have his lips against, Mr Taylor?]

"Him."  [But Brian doesn't sound too interested as he says it]

Justin doesn't look too impressed [or sure] with that pouty cupid's bow lip. *sigh*

"Yes." [I guess that means he's guessed who Brian was referring to?]

"You."  [Note it wasn't a question from Brian because there's a broken/unsure inflection in it]

But Justin doesn't get it and curls his upper lip in contemplation.  And even in a sea of blue, his eyes still stand out.

Brian leans over the railing and away from Justin [in exasperation? Disappointment?].  Justin then answers the non question: "Him."

So Brian tells Justin (without a happy look on either of their faces): "He's kinda young.  Let's go for it."

But Justin holds/pulls him back.  "Or we could go home.  Just the two of us." [We can make it if we try, just the two of us.  Sorry, the song by Grover Washington Jnr popped into my head.]

Brian: "What about the game?"  Justin: "Fuck the game." [and what the fuck was the game exactly since Justin didn't seem enthusiastic about it in the first place?]

And they kiss.  In fact, it appears Brian initiates it.  The classic interleaved lip suck (this is just before they part since you can see their eyes opening). 

They release the kiss but Justin keeps his hands around Brian as they gaze into each other's eyes. *whimper*

Brian initiates the next kiss too but it's Justin who responds with hand to hair contact. ETA: flamencanyc pointed out that Brian's left hand on Justin's back. That's what I get when I cap at 1am in the morning and had to lighten all the pics to even see *anything* *face palm*. 

Note the position of Brian's body and feet as he leans in to be closer to Justin's height - without bending his upper body forward!  *squeeble*

Finally up comes the right hand as we get a full-length body shot and, looky, looky, Justin's standing up on his toes as Brian's feet are splayed backward!

Now we finally get to the characteristic chest push by Brian.

The push is very gentle. 

The kind that's meant to draw someone back since Justin remains balanced the whole time.

It's hard to see here but it certainly appears that one of Brian's hands stays holding onto him (or Justin onto Brian's) :)

It looks as if Brian is now about to leave him but note that he maintains eye contact with Justin as he does so.

As you can see, Justin is moving towards Brian and not staying where he was, while Brian's arm remains extended as if he's holding Justin's hand.

When you watch the scene, there's no doubt that Brian is holding onto Justin's hand as he leaves.

So there you have it.  Justin's definitely going with Brian (there's no mistaking those shadowy profiles) as the scene fades to black :p

educational picspam, b/j

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