... although it's been (OMG!) 18 months since I last haunted this place.
I'm still alive (duh) on the 10th (yes 10th!!) anniversary of my
first QaFdom post and also my
first B/J (G/R) post and I'm also celebrating the end of 6 years in remission from what was deemed to be incurable/terminal cancer. Side effects of treatment still live with me but it's better than not living at all.
I'll always be thankful for the amazing support I received from LJers in the fundom's hey-day ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ (to infinity and beyond)
Here's a Christmas card Brian left for Justin in their NY loft and I wish you all naughty holidays :p
PS It's rather ironic that my latter fandom work has been wiped out by the demise of an adult-content hosting site for which I paid "life" membership (alas, it would take hundreds of elves to revive). But if anyone who mailed me something during my hard encounters with the Big C would like a little PG-rated piece of teary-B/J nostalgia mailed back, just PM me because no doubt some addresses have changed over the years. G'night for now :)