Now before you run away with tears streaming down your face, I MUST show you that the humor love between G/R B/J is as strong as ever! ;)
[email attachment opened by a
blue-eyed-blond-who-likes-to-engage-in-a-political-protest-occasionally while looking for preparing to work on projects in NY]
[email attachment opened by a
hazel-eyed-brunet-who-likes-sing-and-play-guitar-occasionally while preparing to entertain audiences clients in LA]
And my love to everyone who wished me a happy day-of-getting-older (here's hoping Mr Big-C didn't) ♥
I wish this week could have ended happily but my sister's MIL (aka my nieces' and neph's Nanna) passed away from a heart attack. To make it worse, I received the very-upset-to-the-point-of-incoherence phone call from my sister and thought she was talking about *our* mother and *I* almost had a heart attack :\