Art: Ink In My Coffee

Nov 19, 2009 12:37

This is the art that I did for cs_whitewolf's tw_bigbang fic Ink In My Coffee.

I claimed the fic on the basis of Ianto + tattoos = flail. I will admit I'm quite shallow and was not looking for plot, although I have to say I got some excellent plot as well as all the shameless images I was after. ;) Ianto and tattoos also made me think of Gareth - I couldn't help it, and even when cs_whitewolf sent the rough draft and there was no mention of Ianto on a motorcycle I still couldn't help but make the bookcover. (Without ANY bribing she added it into the story - which is made of UBER win!)

When I claimed cs_whitewolf's fic the first thing I asked was 'Can I draw a tattoo for Ianto?' and I'm so glad it was met with such enthusiasm. I ended up drawing this piece and incorporating the title of piece into the finished design. cs_whitewolf even includes the tattoo in the story, which is awesome. I won't explain what each of the images mean in the piece, you'll just have to read the story to find out. ;)

Go and read Ink In My Coffee, even if you've never liked AU's and known nothing about Prison Break (like me) it is still a brilliant read, and a great look at team Torchwood and the relationships between them all, especially Ianto/Jack.

fanart: drawing, challenge: tw_bigbang, char: owen, fandom: torchwood, char: tosh, char: gwen, char: ianto, char: rhys, fanart: manip, char: jack

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