Sep 26, 2006 12:36
hey hey.
I think I maybe made a mistake... a bad one. What if this isn't right? I love to write... I've always loved to write. But I'm beginning to doubt myself. What if it's never as good as I think. What if my entire life people have told me I'm good and I just get out here and realize I'm shit. It's really starting to shake me.
The more I get into the semester the less confident I feel about my decision. Maybe it's self doubt or those damn insecurities back again... I dont know. I'm doin okay in my classes I think.. History is torture but I knew it would be. Mass media's (JMC 101) been going pretty good. I guess I'm doing okay in Comp. and Crit... I don't really knwo yet. Spanish is getting challenging but I'm really working at it. Univ 101 is pretty easy, and I'm doing fantastic in Intellectual Journey.
I dont know what it is... I'm just starting to doubt myself and my capabilities. First of all, we have our big J/MC skills test coming up. Basically, if you do well, then yay you get to keep working very hard... if you fail, you can't continue with the journalism major. Ouch. I don't think I'm going to pass that test... which is just fantastic. I can read my parent's heart attack reports now.
There's other stuff too... I'm just not trusting my writing lately. Writing has always been my sturdy leg to stand on, but lately it's letting me down... or I'm letting it down. I dont know. Meh.
I got my paper back in Intel. Journey today. I already talked a bit about it before, but we got them handed back today with comments. Mine made my recently minimal confidence soar. There were checkmarks everywhere informing me I'd written a very good thought down. And there were plenty of comments saying, "good job here Alex" or "Exactly!!" and even a "YES!". Very encouraging. It was at the end of the paper though that really made me want to dance in circles. I won't include the whole thing out of fear of being overly confident... but it was very encouraging.... as well as the A circled next to the comment. Yay... at least I'm doing one thing right. =P
I've gotta think... am I good enough for the profession I'm trying to go into? I know one thing.. I'm ambitious... but ambition will only get me half way there. I can't do it without the skills and talent. We'll see.
Later everyone :)