Incinerate what's left of this, and torch the part of me that's you...

Jan 26, 2007 10:50

hey hey. I have a few minutes so I guess I'll update. :) It's been a little while anyway.

This semester has been pretty good. It's been busy, but not too much. I'm handling it. Sometimes I just let everything pile up and then it all overwhelms me until I come close to a nervous breakdown. I just have to remember to manage my time and keep everything in perspective.

I like most of my classes. Stats isn't exactly fun, but it's not too bad yet. History is more interesting as we start to come closer to present time, and spanish is always enjoyable. I like newswriting... a lot actually. I think that Dr. Wilkins has  a really good teaching style. It's unique, but it works, and I like it. My writing for literature course is turning out to be a god-send course. I wasn't expecting to enjoy it this much. Dr. Simpson is brilliant and so down-to-earth. He loves jazz and he loves baseball. He talks about writing the way it should be talked about. He makes it feel like something more than a hobby and a profession, he really conveys writing as a passion and a lifestyle. I've always loved to write, but Dr. Simpson makes me feel as though I live and breathe it. It's really cool. Cath/Fran is also really great. I have Dr. Abraham again, and so there's no surprise that the course is great. She takes something so dull and mundane and turns it into an extremely charged topic. She and Dr. Wilkins have a lot of the same teaching techniques, and it works in my favor. I work well with professors like them.

What else to say? Court came to visiit on Monday. Yay. :) She only stayed one night, but it was a lot fo fun. She's coming back again to stay this weekend. Then, in two weeks, we're all going to Buffalo to see Sarah. Woo :)

Okay.. I'm tired and my bed looks warm and comfy. I'm gonna nap.

I'll update again soon... maybe.  :X

courtney, daily happenings, classes, buffalo, sarah

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