Aug 31, 2005 01:26
(an email from my dad)
hi les,
you may be feeling low after your breakup with omar. I can understand that. I felt low too with my breakup with Juliet. She was my first serious girlfriend but after that I did not seem to mind anymore. Maybe because I was busy with other things so I wasn't bothered by break ups after that. Or maybe I did not take relationships that seriously anymore so that when breakups did come I wasn't affected by it that much. I remember the first time you cried over a boy, that was with Daga. You had a bunch of flowers from your admirers but your heart cried for Daga. Then you had Tangkad then the Embezzler and then Omar. Of all those guys it was Tangkad who I took seriously. Maybe because he was the one who looked to be capable of raising a family and he seemed to love and really care for you. His faults were he had a temper and he was disobedient to his parents. They are all gone now but what remains is you. You are still around and you will be around for a long long time. I think that should concern you and make you realize that the only important person in your life is you. And if you want to be happy for the rest of your life you have to care about you and what happens to you. Be serious with your studies and with your career and ultimately with your life. Everything else will fall into place.
love - papa
my first reaction was, "nuuuuu~ i don't wanna talk about it!" but then i read his nicknames for my exes and i just had to laugh. that cheered me up lots. not that i think i need cheering up. it's weird that i'm not feeling any sharp emotions right now. i'm just.. okay.
hmm.. i dunno why i'm having such a hard time expressing how i feel about this whole breakup. usually by this time i could go a mile a minute writing stuff down. maybe i'm still trying to decide what to feel. still in the process of sorting out my emotions. ours was complicated. surprisingly enough, this was my first breakup where i din't feel bitter or angry (or maybe that's yet to come?) the prevailing emotion here would be... sadness. sad that it had to end now. or just that it had to end.
sad but sensible. is that weird?