all x violet: but anyways, tell me a story
all x violet: about a little girl with antlers and AIDS
YourLittleShelbo: once there was a boy
YourLittleShelbo: oh
all x violet: lol
YourLittleShelbo: once there was
YourLittleShelbo: a gril named suzie
YourLittleShelbo: she was infectious and rabid
all x violet: with antlers
YourLittleShelbo: she went to her moms house and saw her having sex with a hobo
YourLittleShelbo: im getting to the antlers
all x violet: awesome
YourLittleShelbo: the hobo raped the little girl and she got aids and chlamidya
YourLittleShelbo: so
YourLittleShelbo: she put on antlers and sayed i am gay woo hoo
YourLittleShelbo: AMEN!
all x violet: HAHAH
all x violet: she has even more diseases
YourLittleShelbo: yes
YourLittleShelbo: for that hot kick of SPICE
all x violet: i drew susie
all x violet wants to directly connect.
all x violet is now directly connected.
all x violet:
YourLittleShelbo: roflmao!!!
all x violet: her left eye is skin colored, but her right one is albino
all x violet: she has blue hair
YourLittleShelbo: hahaha
all x violet: yellow lips fromt he AIDS
all x violet: and green antlers (they grew mold because she watched her mom and the hobo go at it for a whole year)
YourLittleShelbo: hahaha!!!!
another beautiful picture that kaite drew
its an albino blood sucking squid
yeah so the day after tomorrow i'm leaving for camp :( write me a letter pleeeeease :).
miss shelby webb
camp greystone po box 68
tuxedo, nc 28784
<3 bye bye
-the shelbinator dun dun DUN