Nov 21, 2004 10:55
Seriously...this thing is getting old...i dunno why i updated every few weeks or so....about nothing in general...just letting you know im doing fine. Everything is goin sweet with my apt...krystal is kinda messy....actually got to the point where i was gonna tell her bye bye....but we fixed things...and now were all good...cept jon eats all my I got another promotion at work, front end supervisor...ohhh man. Gave me a pretty penny i can get people x-mas presents. Me and the band have been praticing a lot...monty and sean rock the hizzy..hoping now that i have a new comp, we can release a few tracks. Me and nick have also been working on some stuff a few weeks i'll prolly post sumthing...or maybe sooner.
I'm missing my thom and dommy, and yes i had my lip peirced before thomee...and no were not plannin on joining blink get it out of your head. Anyways, me and shannon celebrated 1 year not to long fucking awesome is that? I love my muppet soo much, and the i bought her
well anyways i gotta get back to doing the waking up and getting ready for the day thing.