Title: Pulling pigtails
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Jaejoong and Junsu
Length: chaptered? two shot maybe
Rating: possible smut nc-17
Disclaimer: dont own, wish i did...
Summary: Jaejoong and Junsu pulling pigtails (hypothetically speaking) as they skirt around their attraction for each other
A/n: so does anybody even remember this? cough*weerainbow*cough
i is torn between wanting to update this or the hosu one i have 'Deception'
Decisions decisions....tsk tsk.... (i know i know, obvious choice would be stop being lazy and update both!)
This is just a rough draft of where im going with this one btw
Part 3
"what are you talking about? i dont hate you..."
The words sounded forced, even to his ears
Jaejoong scoffed, turning away with a disappointed rueful smile
"riiiight... whatever Su..."
Really the way this conversation had been going so far should have been enough of an indication to make Junsu wary of prolonging it but obviously this day was destined to go from bad to worse
"I dont hate you Jaejoong, i dont...... i dont ~ anything you..."
He rather stupidly opened his mouth to argue, inciting an already sensitive Jaejoong into turning on him full throttle
Eyes blazing, mouth fuming at the careless words that still rang in his ears he strode over to whereJunsu stood
Red lips came crashing down onto Junsu's full pout, scorching his mouth in their heat as Jaejoongs hands fisted his shirt, clinging to him tightly in what seemed like despair
"Why Su-ah... why?"
The words were choked out by Jaejoong as he enveloped an unresponsive Junsu in a desperate embrace