Title: Where the PHO is JUnsu
Length: Oneshot
Pairing: Yoosu (Junsu focus)
Genre: crack, humour (maybe?)
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: dont own, not mine, wish i did....
Summary:Junsu wonders why Yoochun wanted them to open a Pho restaurant andYoochun lusts after Junsu's mouth
A/n: Where my fascination with Su's mouth and frustration over his disappearing is acted out by Yoochun (idk, just felt like writing something just cos i miss the duckbut so damned much! aargh... *sigh* i guess Pho is important...)
gigglesnhiccups miyamaniac and
weerainbow The absence of DBSK was felt rather heavily on the music scene~ fan girls bemoaned the lack of activities by the boys, cursing SM and every other issue that was preventing their daily doses of the; hilarious/awesome/dorky/affectionate and downright cracky antics that were synonymous with the group.
Not to mention the voices that held said fan girls in trances for innumerable amounts of time....
Although individually they could be mistaken for mere fan girls ~ when needed, the close knit fan club could morph to resemble a well organized network of highly skilled operatives...
All the fans had biases when it came to the members even though the support for the group as a whole was unwavering~ Cassiopeia was not a force to reckoned with when it came to their beloved 'Oppas'
The initial days of the court case was spent speculating about the future for the group.
As the time progressed and the initial furor had dampened down slightly it turned to spazzing again~ albeit in a different fashion over the individual activities by the members.
Jae and Chun~ solo songs, mini albums, participating actively with artists overseas, expanding their styles.
Yunho~ acting, modeling and generally being man candy for sore deprived eyes
Changmin~ focused on preparations for his upcoming acting role (much was made of the role he would be portraying~ speculation rife as to whether the youngest would be able to pull of the role of a young serious businessman)
and last but by no means least:
Xiah Junsu
Kim Junsu
Nothing, nada, zilch was forthcoming from the Dolphin
Fans speculated at the boys disappearance from the realm of entertainment
Die hard fans sobbed at the lack of Junsu in their fandom
relatively 'normal' fans discussed his absence at length
even subpar fans voiced curiosity over the AWOL singer
Ooh ooh Junsu~ spotted at the airport
OH! Junsu! Pictures have surfaced of Junsu with Yoochun at Han river
Fans immediately dubbed it 'The Yoosu honeymoon' (Yongpil's presence deemed unimportant)
Ah! Jaejoong mentions Junsu in interviews, crediting him for contributing to his latest composition
Rumors circulate: Junsu is in London recording his new album
Junsu is busy with music producers preparing a solo attempt
Junsu is spotted again at the airport with Junho
Junho is debuting!
(Oh no wait that’s JUNHO..... no Junsu news there....)
after what seemed like an eternity some news finally emerged of the infamous duck butt.
Fan girls rejoiced
the world had seemed a much bleaker place without 'oyaji gags' 'eukyakyang' and the high shrill voice that accompanied the man-child.
His singing was missed on a different scale altogether
Kim Junsu of popular idol group DBSK has ................
*wait for it*
Ok seriously this news is testing my patience! Tell us already!
Xiah Junsu has secretly opened up a Pho restaurant!
Junsu has been spotted at the Vietnamese style eatery in Seoul city on a number of occasions:
" Well, it seems Xiah Junsu has secretly opened up a Pho restaurant and has been busy with that. According to Women's Weekly in Japan, a Korean reporter recently took a trip to Xiah Junsu's new Vietnamese Pho restaurant in Seoul. The reporter stated that the food that was served was delicious and also stated that Xiah Junsu was hard at work in the kitchen. Xiah was seen talking to the kitchen staff and would stay in the back of the restaurant. The reporter went for a total of three days and saw Xiah at the restaurant each day." (Credit allkpop)
Junsu has opened a Pho restaurant
Fan girls tried to greet the news with enthusiasm
It was hard to be enthusiastic about Pho though
The news gradually extended to add Yoochun into the equation
He was reported to be a silent partner in the Pho venture
Makes sense.... no wait~ it really doesn’t
Even though it is Yoosu together
opening an eatery, which could so easily be (mis)construed into numerous fanfic ideas, strengthening the 'YOOSU IS REAL' belief
Its still just Pho
Someone posted a video
It consisted of many clips, all of Junsu eating on various shows
full cherry red lips wrapping around a crab claw….
Those irresistible lips devouring pineapple
his devilish mouth encasing the straw to slurp up squishy
the list went on; ddukbokki, barbequed meat, ramen, ice cream etc…. all with Junsu's mouth as the sole focus
Fan girls all over the world uttered a collective ‘OH’ as it dawned on them why PHO
“Yoochun-ah… why did you want us to open the Pho place?”
Busy trying to juggle a new composition and cook instant noodles, Yoochun uttered a non committal "hmm..."
"You don’t like pho?”
“I love Pho Chunnie… doesn’t mean we had to open a restaurant”
Sighing at the boy’s quirky randomness, Yoochun walked over to place a bowl of noodles in front of Junsu
As predicted the hungry boy reached for the steaming bowl with impatient hands
Chopsticks at the ready he started slurping the hot noodles with enthusiasm, fanning his mouth as it was really, really hot.
Yoochun watched entranced as Junsu’s mouth did its magic, hypnotizing him with its irresistible charms,
working him up into a fluster with mundane movements that really shouldn’t be capable doing such things to him
The innocent movements of his tongue as it snaked out before each mouthful,
the way he moaned in appreciation of the food,
the little droplet of broth that decorated those luscious cherry lips making his tongue itch with the desire to go lick it off…
“So Chun you never said why pho?”
“hmm…?” he parted his mouth in unconscious response as Junsu dipped down to slurp some more broth before sucking some noodles between his lips (how did he manage to make it look so obscene?)
“Oh no reason… just, like Pho I guess”
Fan girls the world over rejoiced again when, pictures emerged of Yoochun visiting said Pho restaurant
The pictures showed a dazed looking Yoochun, staring infatuated at a certain duck butt’s mouth as they sampled the restaurants main cuisine... Pho
credit: Allkpop for the news