Title: Light of my life
Length: one shot
Pairing: Yoosu
Genre: fluff
Disclaimer: dont know
Summary: Yoosu fluff...idk
I listened to the peals of his laughter echoing in our dressing room.
He was singing again which was nothing new...
But it never seems to grew old .
I watched as he bickered with Changmin... nothing new there either
but it never failed to draw a smile on my face everytime he pouted whining for our magnae to show him respect; "cos im older than you..."
I felt him squish himself in between the wall and my body as the storm echoed outside, lightning flashing through my room. I hated drawing the curtains at night... i needed the moonlight bathing me whilst i slept (during the rare days we had off though i kept the curtains shut... sunlight didnt go well with me)
"scared... storm... lightning.... sleeping with you tonight, move over"
I felt the smile spread across my face as he wrapped his feet around mine to warm them up.
"You can stop grinning now.... and why are your feet always so COLD?!"
Light ... eurgh... i felt it trying pull me away from my slumber, as if it was nudging at my eyelids stubbornly to wake up
I groaned in complaint
I had drawn the curtains just before dawn to prevent this... how was the light getting in?!!
"G'mornin Yoochunie..."
No wonder it was so bright in this room despite the heavy black curtains blocking any chance if sunlight.
My light was right beside me...
"G'mornin Su-ah..."