May 05, 2004 18:27
I think my gay little brother un-installed my Paint Shop Pro 8. STUPID! If a certain Gerloff Sara could find a way to perhaps copy hers and give it to me to put back onto my computer, I think I could find it in my heart to burn her a cd. Oh wait, I did.
Kendall is going to borrow the Hanson CD from Fricke and brun it then let me burn hers! (Hopefully!) HORRAY!
Wait, wait, I think I could've just fixed the PSP8 problem.
I think it deleted all of my brushes, though. GAY GAY GAY!Oh wait, it didn't!
That guy at the SADD rally today was hilarious. I almost (ok, i did)start(ed) crying; He said that his favorite part of graduation was when the seniors walked off as a class together and they all hugged eachother: People they knew as freshman or earlier but lost touch of, their best friends, or even aquantiences. It makes me sad, because I know that's going to be me next year, and I've met so many people I'm going to miss.
I have my first teaching lesson on Monday. EEP!