30 Day Shipping Meme
day 02; what was your very first ship?
Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger
(Harry Potter)
My first encounter with Harry Potter was when I was eight, and I went to see The Philosopher's Stone
at the cinema, so in 2001. And I was just enchanted by it and thought I'd never seen anything
like it. I had a best friend who had been given the first book and completely loved it, so I
read it myself after I'd seen the movie. After that I bought the books that were available in
Swedish at that point, and I fell more and more in love with the series the more I read.
So, Harry Potter was also my first introduction to fandom and me and my best friend always used
to hang out on a Swedish website called Hogwarts.nu which was run by a Harry Potter
obsessed family. Harry Potter pretty much became my life after that, as sad as it sounds...
Anyway, to the point. My very first ship was probably Ron/Hermione, because even if I had no
idea what a 'ship' was back then, I thought it was pretty obvious that they had some kind of
special feelings for each other, and I thought they were really cute ^^