Jun 19, 2005 02:33
Woo I've been a busy girl again yay. I slept over Fawn's last night. We had fun watching Dane Cook crap. I met her John, he seems like a cool dude. Tonight was great though...I was hanging out with Kd and Korey, or Taco as I like to call him. It's been awhile since I've hung out with people, especially Kd...we haven't hung out since like last year. It was great we sat in the Dartmouth Mall and talked about a bunch of shit, Taco found it very educational lol. Then we went to go see The Longest Yard, Maeghan joined up with us there. The movie was hilarious. Then Taco brought me and Kd home and we listend to cool music on the ride. And now I am speaking to Taco on AIM...woo Taco bonding lol, I've never really hung out with Taco or talked to him that much until tonight...he's cool people. New thing starting today, I am now going to try to post a Snapple Fact everyday just for fun...if I collect every fact I will have all the knowledge in the world and power will be mine!!!!muahaha.
Snapple Real Fact #187:
There are over 61,000 pizzerias in the U.S.
Question of the Day:
Are high school relationships even really worth the effort?