Ten things and a few more hours.

Feb 13, 2007 09:17

RULES: Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird habits/things/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs...

I hope I can think of ten...

1. I hate feet, everything about them. What makes it weirder is I love boots. (Pretty much everything about them.)

2. I like stocking merchandise. I'm pretty sure I'm the only person.

3. I'm really not interested in cooking unless tofu is involved. I don't know why.

4. In my opinion, lemon goes with EVERYTHING. There is not a single food that cannot be improved by lemon. Pasta? Lemon pepper. Broccoli? Drizzle lemon juice on it. Milk? MAKE IT LEMON FLAVORED AND I'LL DRINK IT.

5. Sometimes I make weird faces at myself in the mirror until I crack up laughing. Don't knock it 'til you've tried it!

6. I'm addicted to journals. I always have been - the allure of a blank book is just so strong. I've gotten better - I haven't bought a new one in a long time - but most of the paper journals I have have been abandoned while still half-empty, and I can't bear to throw a single one away.

7. I can't eat breakfast right when I wake up. The idea of it bothers me. I don't get hungry until I've been awake for about an hour, though I can eat fifteen/twenty minutes after I wake up. Any sooner, it wouldn't really work.

8. I do my best cleaning when I'm naked and listening to ska. (Top THAT!)

9. If I see a little kid's book lying around, I HAVE to pick it up and read it. I don't know why! I've tried to resist but it doesn't work!

10. If there's a song on the radio and I can't change it, like in a store or something, if I know the words, I'll sing along, even if I hate the song.

TAG, YOU'RE IT, LOLLERSKATES: i_aldarion, aboylikeyou, digglyfiggly, lollipop_jester, brendan237, freak_in_need, rigilpaix, starfishblonde, underthethrow, and xsemperfidelis

In other news, I've had six hours of work at Tuesday Morning so far (three today, three yesterday,) and I like it. I like the people, the environment is nice, and the work I've done so far has been pretty fun, all in all. And I guess they like me - some people canceled the hours they were going to work, and Roseann (the Manager) offered them to me! Almost nine extra hours, if I take them all. (Which I probably will.) She wanted me to work Sunday, too, but I said I couldn't. Tom and I have been planning our date this weekend for much too long for me to interrupt it now!
I'm very happy. Very, very happy.

work, meme

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