
Aug 30, 2005 00:10

(Tried it once)
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1) If activist85 had a superpower, what would it be? The power to neutralize racists, homophobes, and all sorts of bigots with too much power and influence.
2) Which president would phole717 be likely to idolize? o.o I know nothing about presidents, don't ask me.
3) One quality you find attractive in aboylikeyou? Oh god, I have to pick one? Creativity, I guess. The REALLY good ones don't have names.
4) Where would fadedrose04 most like to visit? Is it Ohio? Wherever Shane is.
5) Is ssj3apri related to deflo? Not that I know of.
6) Is michichu popular? She probably doesn't think so, but she's got a lot of friends.
7) Are activist85 and theferrett going steady? o.o NO. That's just TOO WEIRD.
8) lotus37's hair color? Natural brown.
9) What color should deflo dye their hair? I think she'd look good in a sort of azure blue. Like LJ-link color.
10) Have you flirted with pantedloser? I don't believe so, unless you count normal Drama Club banter.
11) Are kitty_goodboy and bikergypsy going out? No. I don't think that would work well..
12) Does viciouspoodles do drugs? One would think so, by the way she acts.
13) What exotic animal would activist85 like as a pet? Exotic? Gee, I dunno...
14) Does ssj3apri have a big secret? If it's a secret, I don't think I'd know about it.
15) Would you wrestle comradestrumski in jello? HELLS YES.
16) What is phole717 allergic to? I don't think he has any allergies. *poke* Do you?
17) What is xylophone_trees's shoe size? Small.
18) Does digglyfiggly know ravenruby? Not well. They've met.
19) Is meg672 related to you? Well, if Matt and Lauren get married, will Meg be my sister-in-law, too?
20) rockgeeksxe's eye color? Blue? I dunno. Might be green. Might be orange, for all I know.
21) Would gengy and comradestrumski look good together? Ehhh... no. And either way, gengy's quite taken.
22) What is baileyjordan's biggest flaw? Can't really say I know...
23) What languages does deflo speak? English. A bit of Spanish, or am I misremembering?
24) What would digglyfiggly do differently in your shoes? I was gonna say not date Tom, but, I'm not so sure of that.
25) What flavor of jello would surgeon_romance be? If they made rose-flavored, probably that. Otherwise, I'd say mixed berries.
26) Would you ever date theferrett? If he was my age, single, and local, and I hadn't met Tom? Oh yeah.
27) Has ivyvigne been to your house/dorm? Nope.
28) If irethaldarion took over the world, who would suffer? Everyone who should, I'd say. XD
29) What is rockgeeksxe's favorite color? ...Don't know.
30) Would belldandy_kechi go out with digglyfiggly? o.o I really can't see that happening. Y'know, even barring the fact that Missy wouldn't let it happen.

(And, tried it again, leaving out the people I don't know so well..)
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1) Are tehshayshay and shinitenshi01 married? No, but it would certainly be an interesting match.
2) Would xsemperfidelis and shinitenshi01 look good together? I dunno... There's that whole issue of Alana being straight...
3) Did viciouspoodles break up with you? ...Yes! *sobs* (No.)
4) Does irethaldarion have a crush on afeldspar? o.o No.
5) Where was michichu born? In a magical land of myth and wonder! I don't know.
6) If aboylikeyou commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? Drag queens, boygirls, glam kids, and punk rockers.
7) Are lotus37 and kitty_goodboy going steady? Hehehe, noooo.
8) Is fadedrose04 friends with ba1126? Uh, yeah, you could say that.
9) If theferrett were hanging off a cliff, what would phole717 do? Probably hoist him up. Pat doesn't seem like the type to let a stranger die, unless they'd hassled him at work.
10) Would sxetonberry1031 be a better ninja or pirate? I think Jason's more suited to being a ninja.
11) Do you have a crush on xylophone_trees? No, never had a crush on her, but I've definitely thought for a long time that she's super-nifty.
12) What is digglyfiggly allergic to? I don't think you have allergies either. Do you?
13) Is aboylikeyou popular? Well, I know that ze SHOULD have a fanclub..
14) activist85's hair color? Brown, last time I saw hir.
15) What would you do if lotus37 died? Cry. And mourn. And try to comfort Brendan and Jason and the rest of the Drama Club.
16) What languages does viciouspoodles speak? English, et Francais! (Tres bien, ma belle.) Oh, and Latin, yes?
17) What video game does rigilpaix remind you of? Final Fantasy. No question. 8, specifically.
18) If meg672 took over the world, who would suffer? Oh god... Uhm, I might, if watching Gilmore Girls was made mandatory.
19) What is theferrett's biggest flaw? Emotional neediness.
20) Thoughts on pantedloser? I heart you. And your Birthday Stick. You're one of the people I think of first when I think of Drama Club.
21) What song/movie would you recommend to shinitenshi01? Geez, I dunno. You might like "So Into You" by Shudder To Think.
22) If xylophone_trees and comradestrumski were spliced together, what would it be like? OMG so artsy. Wicked smart, wicked creative, totally crazy, and definitely awesome.
23) How many monkeys could _evermind_ fight at once and win against? He's pretty l33t. I bet he could take a whole barrel full. Maybe two barrels.
24) Is bikergypsy 1337? Eh, decently so.
25) Is ba1126 introverted or extroverted? Extroverted!
26) Is ravenruby single? Uh, last I heard, they were taking a break..
27) What word best describes carebearandy? Uhm, "Andy."
28) What would meg672 give digglyfiggly for his/her birthday? Realistically, nothing, since they don't know each other.
29) Is irethaldarion an emo? NO.
30) What would you do if you found out brendan237 has a crush on you? I'd be very flattered, but I'd stay with Tom. And I'm sure Brendan wouldn't have a problem with that, so I wouldn't feel awkward about hanging out with him.


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