I had to make some icons of me and Binks after I saw the cute ones that Cary and Sandy made!!! *L*
I thought I might as well write you all, since I haven't been around much. I been kinda busy lately and also , just not in the writing mood. I haven't been online much.
Yesterday I went to a Bridal shower for a girl I grew up with. It was fun to share stories and also just hang out with some girls.
I been going to Ray's soft ball games every Friday night, and his team SUCKS!
I mean really sucks! They got beat last friday 50 to 0!!!! What do you expect though? 10 FAT men trying to run around the bases! *L*
Binky is teething, and has been extremly crabby lately!
Her poor teeth and gums hurt her so bad! I feel sooo sorry for her. She has not wanted to do much but scream lately.
Binky is addicted to her Johnny jump up and bounces and bounces and bounces.. her new thing is to bounce to the door and swing off screaming like tarzan...awwww...
She has sooo much engery. I am scared that she is not going to ever walk.. but RUN RUN RUN where ever she goes. And here will be me.. running after her trying sooo hard to catch my breath! I can't run worth poo
What else? My pee no more patch seems to be working better! I don't have to run to the bathroom as often. But sadly, they do not know what is causing my bladder to be so angry so I might have to be on these patches forever!
Somedays I just feel as if I am a freak of nauture! I most definity got to donate my body to science when I die!
I will post more photos tonight or sometime this week of Bianca and also my cousin's baby that we recently got to meet! He is SO BIG! I can not believe he is only a month older then Bianca! He is 21 lbs!!! and HUGE!
He is even bigger then my cousin Alicia's little Ethan who is 9 months old!!! WOW!!! Big baby!
Bianca will be 6 months old sooo soon! Time is surely flying by sooo quickly! She is rolling around all over the place now!
and doing a wormy thing across the floor! She will be crawling in no time! Gotta baby
proof this house!!! Get the gates up! *L*
While we were in FL, we had a walker for Bianca and she ran all around the house like a crazy
person! Screaming and squeling with delight! But, the walker we have here in WI for her is too big yet.. she is still pretty tiny for her age. Even though she is a 15 lbs!!!!!!
She has lost all her baby fat and is getting longer and skinnier every day!
I now know that my mother in law will be staying with us FOREVER... it seems.. and I feel two ways about that.. but that is a whole another story I care not to go into or there will be a whole 4 page post on that topic!
I took the pre-PPST the other day... and passed everything but the reading section, which I failed by only one point! I been working hard on studying for it cause I really need to PASS the real thing this summer and get admitted to the Teacher Ed program at my college so I can take those higher level classes I need to finish my degree SOON!
Since now I don't have any classes but 2 gen-Eds that I can really take. My teacher said if I pass the PPST and get my portfolio up to date and apply to the program they may be able to allow me in the program this summer yet.. so I can take the classes I need this fall.. I got my fingers crossed.
I really need a hug right now.
I just feel so blah. It has been a stressful couple of weeks.. with Bianca teething.. and money problems (like always) and the mother in law.. and brothers in law.. and all this running around.. and working on my portfolio.. and the pre-ppst.. and my birthday coming up..
Talking about Birthday!
Ray and I are going to have the bestest birthday for me, hopefuly! We are going to have a major big cookout at our place.. with tons and tons of people! I am soo excited! I just hope it does not turn out like his birthday! remember that???
Me and Ray have been fighting about if we should have more kids or not, and when. He has days where he would just like to have his CHOP, and then others where he could settle for another kid in 3 to 5 years!!! If it was up to me, I want tons more kids.. and starting in a year or two! Kids mean the world to me.. and Bianca is my world! I don't know what I will do if Ray decides not to have anymore??? I Know I am not going to be a happy camper at all..
It has been really sunny here lately.. yet Rainy too. But sooo warm that we have had the air on the last couple of days.
Bianca and I and Donna (my mom in law) went to June Dairy Days Paradee yesterday in my grandma's town.. and Bianca got tons of Candys! *L*
Even though she could not eat it.. (mommy will take care of that)... It was raining when we left the house, but by the time of the paradee it was wonderful! My grandpa even walked down and met us there! And Binky got to see her first paradee!
She hates fire trunks!!! She cried every time they came by and made their sierens go off..she would stick her bottom lip over her top and just scream and scream! But she did get a kick out of all the bands!!!! She loves music sooo much!
What else?? Ray taught Bianca how to stick her tounge out.. so now most of the day she goes around the house with her toungue out!
Little goober droil monster!
THANK you to everyone who voted for her in the photo contest. She made it to the second round, but sadly lost..
Oh well.. maybe next time...
I HAVE such a migrane today! wahh!
It hurts so bad! No medicine is helping me.. it has been here since last night.. I just want it to go away! Go away stupid mean headache!!!
Well. I am off for now! LOVE YA all sooo much.. and miss you monster big!
Hugs and kisses!