Jun 19, 2004 04:06
1.) What time is it?: 4:06 AM
2.) What's the date?: June 19
3.) Are you psyched about filling out this survey?: no
All About You
4.) Full name: Jessica Marie Towning
5.) Nicknames: Jess, sis, J,lil gummy bear, baby
6.) If you could change your name, what would you change it to?: I wouldnt
7.) Age: 19
8.) If you could be any other age, what age would you be?: 21
9.) Height: 5'2"
10.) Weight: 115
11.) Shoe Size:5-61/2
12.) Hair color and Eye Color: hair-red,brow,blond, Eyes-gray,blue,green
13.) Where do you live?:OHIO
14.) Do you like it there?: ummmm..sometimes.but most the time NO.
15.) Why/why not?: NEVER anything to do
16.) What's one thing that makes you unique?:IDK.. i just am
17.) What are your best features?:eyes
18.) Worst features: my body
19.) What about your body are you most confident about?: nothing
20.) Most self-conscious about?: butt,legs,belly,boobs,hips
21.) Hangouts: My babys house
22.) Websites:www.lifesaver.com
23.) Movies:GOD where do i start? I have ALOT of fav movies
24.) Songs: one more day
25.) Fashion Designers/Brands:forever 21
LEAST Favorite...
26.) Bands/Groups: dave matthews band
27.) Songs: anything by dave matthews
28.) TV Shows: COPS
29.) Movies: War movies
30.) Siblings: 3 brothers duston, chris, & jason
31.) Do you like your family?: sometimes.
32.) Why/why not?: the know just how to bug the hell out of me
48.) What's the best thing about your dad?:umm hes unlike most people i know.
49.) The worst?:how he trys to make fun of me infront of people
50.) What's the best things about your mom?:she and i are just alike.
51.) The worst?: she mist out on me growing up
Do you...
52.) Like your appearance?: NO
53.) Like your personality?: sometimes
54.) Think you're funny?: nope
55.) Have a lot of friends?: nope
56.) Usually go out on Friday nights?: nope
57.) Believe in aliens?: yeah
58.) Believe in love at first sight?: YEP it happened to me
59.) Believe in astrology: yep
60.) Have a boy/girl friend?: yes..and i have to say that i love him more then ne thing in this hole world
61.) If so, who?: Wesley my baby
62.)Who's your best friend(s)?: wesley, ashleigh, & carrie
63.) Who can make you smile, no matter what mood you are in?: carrie or ashleigh
64.) Which person do you PRETEND to be friends with but secretly hate?: no one.. i think that if you hate somone why the hell would you be frends with um?
65.) Do any of your friends just tick you off?: sometimes
66.) Do you get sick of your friends easily?: nope
67.) Which friend do you secretly LOVE?: wesley..oops thats not a secret
68.) If you could have 5 friends stranded on an island with you, who would you pick?: wesley,carrie,ashleigh and idk
69.) Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you are comfortable enough with to talk about almost anything?:yep wesley
70.) Are you in love?: yes
71.) If not, have you ever been in love?: n/a
72.) Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out?: who said it wasnt?
73.) Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive?: nope
76.) Would you still carry out a relationship if your family absolutely hated the person you were dating?: yes
Would you like to have...
77.) A one-way ticket to Italy?: nope.. then i couldnt get home
78.) An ice-cream sundae?: HELL YES
79.) Aretha Franklin's attitude and her tell-you-off voice?:yeah
80.) A trip around the world with nothing but the clothes on your back?: umm no
81.) Your brother/sister go away somewhere for a really long time?:well seeing that has happend to me befor.no b/c i would miss them
Have you ever...
86.) Drank?: yes
87.) Smoked?: yeah
88.) Done drugs?: yes
92.) Told someone you loved them?: everyday
93.) Needed to tell somebody something but were afraid you couldn't trust them?: yes
94.) Cut class?: yeah
95.) Got in a fight?:yeah
96.) Felt suicidal?: nope
Right Now
97.) Listening to: the AC
99.) Wearing: white tank-top,pink shorts
101.) Thinking: it hurst when my ass sticks to this stupid chair
102.) Talking to: my self
103.) Feeling: sleepy,bord
104.) What is the craziest thing you've done in the past?: lol carrie knows
105.) If you could change one thing you have done in the last 24 hours, what would it be?:ummmmmmmm? today was a good day
106.) If you could've been born at any point in time, when would you pick?: 1983
107.) List all the places you've visited in the past: the keys,NC,SC,WV,V,FL???
108.) Right now, what is your biggest regret?:that im still up
110.) Do you want to get married?: yeah
111.) If so, at what age?: 23-25
112.) Who do you want to marry?: wesley
114.) What song will be played at your wedding?: One more day by lonestar
115.) How many guests will you have?: I would fig sround 100 maybe more maybe less
116.) Do you want to have kids?: yeah
117.) If so, how many?: one.. but i could go for two
118.) What are you going to name your kids?: Elizabeth Marie for the girl, and Gaven James for the boy
119.) What do you think would be the worst way to die?:I dont know..
122.) Write your own gravestone engraving:ummm IDK? ill leave that up to someone else
123.) What song will be played at your funeral?: Idk.. i dont like questons like this
124.) Do you wish you could be alive when the world was ending, just to experience it?:yeah