(no subject)

Jul 28, 2007 07:18

Last night I finished reading the book Eleven Minutes by Paulo Coelho. It was recommended to me last year by Kris and it was a very good recommendation. I felt very close to the main charactor as some of her thoughts were things I felt, but could never voice. Reading this book even revived a desire to read that I had abandoned for a while. I'm trying to make time to read a little bit every night before I go to sleep. this means that I get through books very slowly since reading will often put me to sleep. I've also noticed that my dreams are much more vivid and I remember them better when I wake up after I've been reading. Anyway, here are some quotes I liked from the book.

"All my life I thought of love as some kinda of voluntary enslavement. Well, that's a lie: freedom only exists when love is present."

"I love this man sitting before me now, because I do not posses him and he does not posses me. We are free in our mutual surrender..."

"It's odd how, when you live in a city, you always postpone getting to know it and usually end up never knowing it at all."<'i>

Next on my list of books to read/finish reading

1. Silent Spring
by Rachel Carson

2. The Smell of Apples
by Mark Behr

3. The Plague Dogs
by Richard Adams
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