OMG I'm home and I have a NEW CAR. My mom surprised me with a new 2006 VW rabbit when she picked me up from the airport today. Apparently they got it for me a week ago and have been dying to tell me since. We walked past it a little and then this was the basic conversation
Mom: Here we are!
Me: Ummmm...what...?
Mom: Heres the car
Me: I don't see it.
Mom: I traded in my suburban and we got you a new car!
Me: *Stands there totally confused* OMG Mom I love you!
When we were driving home my told me about how they had trouble picking a colour until they decided to get black in honor of the much loved Indie since he was a black rabbit. So tomorrow we might go to the DMV to see if we can reserve a custom license plate something along the lines of Indie28 since we adopted him the 28th of May last year. I feel a little bit like a spoiled brat, but I didn't even ask for a new car, I don't even have my license yet! I was going to save up for a used car once I learned how to drive. I feel so spoiled. I am spoiled. Blah.
Well, now I have to work on getting a job out here. Apollo died while I was gone. He was getting old. I had him for over a year and bettas are usually around 6 months when they are sold. He was beautiful though, he was such a beautiful yellow colour. I'm bummed that hes gone, but he had a really good life for a fish.
Anyway, I'll update later with the last bit of my time in Colorado.