So Mary called me yesterday to tell me there is a Welsh Pony show that comes up really soon after I get to Colorado so she sent me out to get show clothes so I'd be all ready and wouldn't have to spend time doing that in Colorado. So today my mom and I spent a FORTUNE on show pants, a hunt coat, tall boots, shirt and a few other essentials like boot polish. I was totally in love with a $600 pair of tall boots, but of course I got the cheapest ones they sold which fit perfectly anyway. I have to get my coat tailored though because I am so petite. >.< I find it strange that most the saddleries that use to sell used boots and clothes don't anymore. I got nervous just trying on the clothes I have no idea what I'll be like the day of the show. I'll either be A)a nervous wreck or B)super super calm. I'm hoping for B since I don't sit in the tack well when I'm tense and I stiffen my elbows too much. Sometimes I feel like I am back tracking while other times I feel like I'm improving every time I ride. Basically I'm feeling insecure about my riding at the moment.
I did something really nerdy today. I went to the bank with my mom today and I noticed a betta in a tiny bowl with chunks missing from his fins. I, of course, in my nerdy ways asked who took care of the fish and told them it looked like their fish had fin rot which could kill him if it went untreated. The girl seemed to really care and was really receptive to the advice I gave her and I referred her to Considering that I look like I'm 16 I can't even begin to imagine how nerdy I looked.
And in other nerdy news, I don't usually post my art in my journal, but I'm having a lot of fun with this drawing I'm doing for the
furartxchange2. Its a themed month and this month's theme is dance so when I read in this person's description that their charactor likes disco I decided to go with one of the more popular 70s dances, the hustle. In looking for refernce pictures I found that there is more then one version of the hustle.
Also Becca graduated from highschool on Saturday. Yay Becca! So the day before my mom and I took apart an older dress she had made for me and remade it into
It was quite a transformation and the only problem we ran into was the day of Becca's graduation I found we had made it too big! So my mom very quickly took it in on the sides so it wouldn't slid down anymore.
So, I think that about sums up another self absorbed entry. :P Hope everyone is doing well.