Jan 01, 2005 20:48
so another year come and gone... i look back to see the
significant things that happened in my life, and i have come to realize
that the things that i thought really matter before really dont mean
anything to me now. i wish i hadnt spent so much time worrying about
stuff like how people thought of me... cuz in the long run, no one
really gives a shit. And all the stupid stuff i did that was fun
at the time was just that... stupid stuff. Ya i guess all of it added
up has made me who i am today, but im not sure i like what i see. Just
a mess of broken relationships, bad grades, dissapointed parents,
destroyed friendships over stupid shit. Hopefully things will get
better... that would be nice for once instead of watching things get
worse.... i guess we will have to see...
sorry i havent written in a while, my computer got a virus so it took
too much effort to make the internet work so i gave up for a while. Not
sure what was going on in my last entry, but im not gunna try and fill
anyone in SoOOO much has happened. The people who read this anyways (if
anyone still does anymore haha) probably already know. So happy new
years i guess is a good way to start off. lastnight was awesome. i went
to michaels house and hung out with a crap load of people (some a
little more on the random side haha) and it was really fun getting to
hang out with people who i dont normally hang out with. it was fun
getting to talk with sophie again... she is a really easy person to
talk to and she is really nice so that was fun. I guess the whole
"grace kid" kinda got in the way of everything before, i kinda tried to
avoid most of those people... but i forgot of the few who are still
really nice! so hopefully i will get to hang out iwth her more. it was
kinda nice after alot of the people left (im not exactly a crowd
person) but then i had to leave rather early which SUCKEd (untrusting
parents)... and then went home and was bored for the rest of the night.
and then some other shit happened later and i was up till around 4.
thank goodness for texting so i had someone to talk to at the insane
hour of the morning (thank you michael!!) but everything is all good
for now! so i guess that is it!
~Im OuT~
(ps... SiNgLe!!)