thats so fetch

Oct 24, 2004 11:49


i really wish i had clothes to wear....

have you ever noticed girls always complain about not having anything to wear? because i notice it every time that fucking sentence comes out of my mouth... i'll have about 3different outfits laid out on my bed, and ill STILL complain about having nothing.... ill look in my dresser, filled to the top with clothes, and continue to say i have nothing to wear... why do you think we do that/? for me, it's because i need to SHOP. haha as much as i haaaate the mall and all the ghetto-ass, weird mother fuckers in it, i love wasting my money on a shirt that will just sit in my drawer and never be warn.... but godforbid i give it away. nope haha because there's always that stupid little hope that i'll wear it one night, and me being an enormous cheapass cant seem to let that 19.99 go down the drain... so the clothes just accumulate, and i still complain. and this ladies and gents is why i complain i have nothing to wear.

thanks. the end
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