I am fidgety and bored and antisocial. A friend of mine just poked me on AIM, but if I talk to him he'll want to hang out and I don't wanna. I also don't wanna write fic (because at the moment I am pretty sure that everything sucks*), read (Sense and Sensibility is not as fun as Pride and Prejudice), eat (I am...tired of Oreos? this does not compute), or sleep. Seriously, I tried to take a nap and failed. Who does that?
Anyway, grumpy Sarah is grumpy. That is all.
*Not fishing for compliments or anything. I'm sure tomorrow I'll wake up and go DAMN I'M AWESOME and write a thousand words of another random crossover that I'll be distracted from by the next shiny cracked-out crossover idea that occurs to me.
EDIT: Thanks for the kind words, y'all. Upon suggestion of one
squeeful, I took a twilight walk that resulted in a scoop of dark-chocolate-peanut-butter ice cream in the largest waffle cone I have ever seen. My mood has significantly improved. :)