I'm taking the GRE on Thursday. I probably ought to look through the prep book once or twice before then. Also I should probably get directions to the place, so I know exactly how fast I am going to have to drive to make it to work after the test. Test is at 9:00, test lasts four hours, work is at 2:30. I'll have time. Right? Right.
In keeping with my New Year's Resolution to write more stuff, I dared myself to participate in
oxoniensis's Porn Battle V. And then I forced myself to post it.
Territorial. It's Twilight fic, Jacob/Edward, and it's one of the...well, less-porny entries, but it is R-rated and also slash, in case the names didn't give it away. It's also far and away the porniest thing I've ever written. *is proud, what*
Actually, there's a scrap of Dean Winchester/Pete Wentz in the same Word file that will probably outdo it if I finish it, but if I can't find my copy of Infinity On High, it's not likely to happen.
And now I have to sleep. Tomorrow is work until 3:30, then the first academic team match of the year! The twins didn't try out, but my cousin Maria is on the team, and I want to cheer her on. And also sit in the back with my mother and see which one of us does better. XD I'm resisting temptation to dig out the mechanic!shirt uniform and the Star Wars tie I wore to all my senior year matches, but I don't want to embarrass Maria. XD