kids are huddled on the beach in the mist

May 29, 2007 21:30

This is my schedule for tomorrow.

10:10-12:00: Computer Science Lab
12:00-1:00: Senior Send-Off for Sigma Tau Delta
1:10-3:00: Last Shakespeare class
3:10-5:00: Last Gay & Lesbian Lit class
5:00-6:00(ish): English Honors Banquet
6:00-FOREVER: Dinner with my thesis advisor to go over my real honest final draft.

That is eight-plus hours of INSANE right there, but I get two free meals out of the day, so that's nice.

I have told this story so damn often this weekend that I am beginning to feel like an arrogant parrot, but. A couple of weeks ago, my Director of Studies told all of the English thesis-writers that we should enter our work for Departmental Honors, even if we weren't finished. Well, I remembered this between classes on the day it was due, so I printed out two copies and shoved them in her mailbox, figuring what the hell, it couldn't hurt.

Long story...well, long, I won the English Departmental Honor for my thesis work.

Out of a field of three. Oh yes, I am so special.

Anyway, apparently I get to go hang out with professors from 5:00 to 6:00 tomorrow evening because of it. Immediately after that? Dr. A is taking me to dinner so we can go over my final thesis draft with a fine-toothed comb. She said "We'll go to Baker," and I figured that just meant that we'd sit in the nice cafeteria and go over it.

Um, no. She meant the fancy restaurant in the basement of Baker Center. The fancy expensive restaurant--her treat. In my family? Red Lobster is as fancy as we get. I don't even know how to behave myself at a restaurant like this.

I'm considering wearing my fancy polka-dotted dress just for kicks, but that would require getting up early enough to shower and shave my legs, and I'm not sure I want to add another half-hour to my crazy day.

Anyway. I have to go off to the Donkey now and go through the edits my mother made for me. It looks like she sacrificed a goat on my paper, but I'm not complaining--she does this for a living, and I know her going rate. Thank God for family, because I think I'd owe her about $120 otherwise.

thesis, college

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