count your blessings against the thunder, kiss the years goodbye

May 18, 2006 22:01

1. So...apparently the Counting Crows are coming to Cincinnati. With the Goo Goo Dolls. Who wants to come with me? XD

2. Last night Steph informed me that one of the people we knew from high school is in an ambiguously gay dance/electronica duo called Black Cabaret. And I'm strangely really fond of the song I downloaded. I keep wanting to say it reminds me of Boy George, but really I think it's the guy who always did. A little. Before the crazy painted hair and stuff.

3. I love the little old ladies on the credit card commercial (Citibank?). Actually, I generally just love those commercials.

4. Last night's LOST was really hard to follow. Some things made me squee, though. I'm lazy though, and I'm not going to go into detail. If you saw it, you can probably figure out the squeeful parts.

5. When I was home last weekend, we were having lunch at Applebee's. The race for Ohio governor came up somehow, and then my dad said, "The Republican candidates are all crooks. I'm voting for the Democrat." I literally dropped my fork. It's one thing to hear people talking about the scandals and mismanagement in the state government, but it's another thing to actually see someone change his mind over it. It's not a full-scale ideological shift, but by the next election--who knows? :D (And to think my brother kept teasing me about how when he turns 18 this year he's going to "swing the house Republican." We'll see about that...)

6. I was watching a taped show from last week, and there was a Survivor commercial describing a constestant named "Aras" as a "peace-loving warrior." Unfortunately, he didn't appear to have two. XD

7. Grey's Anatomy had not one but two Snow Patrol songs on the finale. One from Final Straw and one from Eyes Open. *glee!*

8. In keeping with the music squee, I bought Stadium Arcadium from Amazon yesterday--mostly because it was $12, and I'm willing to risk that much on a 2-CD set when I already love "Dani California." I love how it feels comfortable--maybe it's a lot like most of Californication, but...I really, really like Californication. So hopefully this will be fun.

9. Please tell me someone else saw the CSI finale tonight. Or at least the last two minutes. I have to share my reaction to it.
Grissom. Bed. Sara. Robe. Oh. Tee. Pee. Of all the ships I love that I never thought would actually happen, that's the one I love most. They've always had the sexual tension (how much did I love the photo-duel?), but I never, ever thought the show would go for that. I figured the age difference would keep it from happening. I've never been more gleeful to be wrong. So in conclusion: OMG OMG OMG GRISSOM/SARA!!!!

No, there is no 10. I am not David Letterman. My lists end arbitrarily.

csi, grey's anatomy, life, lost

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