bookmarking, she's so close now

Feb 25, 2006 00:13

We stopped at the Amish-country store on the way back from OU this afternoon. We got an entire bag--probably a pound--of the little dry marshmallows like in Lucky Charms. Joe's probably going to get up in the morning and pour himself a huge bowl (he eats cereal out of mixing bowls these days, from what I hear) of just the marshmallows. And probably add sugar. I, however, am eating chopped dates rolled in oat flour. This = heaven. Slightly sticky-on-the-teeth heaven, but nevertheless.

Mom totally failed to talk herself out of buying a picnic table there, too. It's square and the benches are attached and they have backs and it'll seat eight, which is kind of a necessity when we're all home. Plus the guy quoted us a price of $395, and we were absolutely certain it wouldn't be under $500. So...yeah. Grandma and Grandpa said they were heading out there next week, so I'm willing to bet Mom'll ride along in the truck. ;) And then, yay! Picnic table.

There are also two absurdly cool chairs in the upstairs family room place...thing. (The floorplan of the house called it a "bonus room," and we've called it that ever since. We're weird like that.) They're round and kind of suspended and they swing and that's awesome. The only thing is that she got them from a sportsman's catalogue, so the cushions are camo. We're going to look for some better ones. Soonish. ;)

Christie and I watched the Firefly pilot last night. Joe came home from work right around that time and proceeded to eat four cheese coneys* in front of the TV...then stuck around, ostensibly because the couch was comfortable but really because he actually wanted to know what happened next. Lisa watched most of it--she gave off the best gasp when
Kaylee was shot.
Then she left to do laundry or something and missed the last twenty minutes (i.e., the part where every single bit of the action occurs). And she did say, like I've always thought, that Dad would totally love the show, once he bought the concept. He likes cowboy movies, he likes Star Wars. He would love this show. I just have to make him sit down and watch it. Which is hard when you've got Turner Classic Movies and the Military Channel. ;)

But yeah, I'd reckon we got one or two new browncoats today, say thankya.

...Crossover, anyone? Anyway, off to do a little bit of Latin or fanfiction before bed. I have to wait for my laundry to get done anyway.

*They're hot dogs with Cincinnati chili** and cheese and sometimes onions and mustard on top, and they are not to be confused with Sam's "brace of coneys." Ever.
**Not anything like chili from anywhere else. Better.***
***Yes, I am pretending I am active_apathy. I hope she doesn't mind. ;)

home, life, firefly

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