(no subject)

Apr 19, 2005 08:38

Name]: brianna
[Name Backwards]: annairb
[Does Your Name Mean Anything?]: sarah said it ment the strong one i think
[Were You Named After Anyone?]: nope
[Nick Name(s)]: bree, breezey, shortie, granby, sheezey breezey, french whore, cunt sucking whore, other names like that (thanks lance lol)
[Screen Name(s)]: xdancer1590x
[Date of Birth]: November, 15, 1990
[Current Location]: um my house
[Height]: 5'3
[Hair Colour]: brown/ light brown, with some pink but it's faded
[Eye Colour]: hazel
[Righty, or Lefty?]: righty
[Gay, Straight, Bi, or Other?]: other? nope i'm straight...except for alyssa and tiff!! lol. lmao.

---------DO YOU HAVE
[Any Sisters?]: kara
[Any Brothers?]: steve
[Any Pets?]: haha...4 dogs, 2 cats, a bird, and then theres the whole llama thing
[A Disease?]: i wonder...
[A Pager?]: no
[A Personal Phone Number?]: no
[A Leather Jacket With Studs On It?]: i have a leather jacket and i suppose if i wanted i could put studs on it...
[A Pool or Hot Tub?]: pool
[A Car?]: no not yet

--------DESCRIBE YOUR...
[Personality]: hyper, silly, sometimes really sad, kinda odd, i dunno i can't describe it
[Driving]: nope not yet
[Car or One You Want]: one that has 4 wheels and is in good shape..as long as it does that and can't get me away from home it'll work
[Room]: pretty big, its getting redon so its a mess and i can't describe it
[Shoes]: VANS ANS CONVERSE...and flip-flops
[School]: a place where you "learn" and you deal with stupid shit and then you hang with people...its interesting
[Bed]: mmm, warm and comfy and i miss it cause i have to sleep in karas room
[Relationship With Your Parent(s)]: with my mom its okay it could be better, and my dad...well i think we all know

-----------DO YOU...
[Like To Drive]: i like the tractor lawn mower and quads but i can only drive the car in the driveway and thats like 100 feet.
[Get Motion Sickness?]: no
[Eat Chicken Fingers With a Fork?]: nope
[Dream in Color?]: most times
[Type With Your Fingers on Homerow?]: not really fingures but i certainly have my own way of typing
[Sleep With a Stuffed Animal?] um the one my great grandpa gave me before he died is always on the end of my bed
[Do You Believe In Love at First Sight?]: no i think you can be attracted to some one but not love at first sight
[Consider Yourself a Good Listener?]: sometimes
[Consider Yourself a Good Friend?]: i dunno ask my friends not me
[Get Along With Your Parents?] hm thought this was already asked
[Save Your E-mails?]: only certain ones like the ones sarah send me..::giggle:: or the one kim sent (its rare)
[Like to Make Fun of People?]: haha jon, it depends
[Like to Talk on the Phone?]: i do but i rarely talk on it

---------WHAT IS ~*/*~ ARE ~*/*~ WAS...
[Right Next to You?]: right side, a door and a wall, left side cd player and my cd's
[On the Walls of Your Room?]: paint and thats it at the moment
[Your Dream Car?]: i dunno
[Your Dream Honeymoon Spot?]: again i dunno
[Your Bedtime?]: when i fall asleep
[Under Your Bed?]: nothing cause my bed is taken apart at the moment
[Your Bad Time of the Day?]: math, or random points when people piss me off
[Your Worst Fear(s)?]: things scare me but i'm not really sure
[The Time?]: 8:55 am...ugh stupid mother
[The Date?]: april, i dunno its vacation , 2005
[The Best Trick You've Ever Played on Someone?]: when we webbed livie's room with yarn
[Your Funniest Experience?]: i'm not sure cause i find something funny in almost everything and i laugh alot...maybe one of the times that something happened with lance, my ear gushing, me hurting myself trying to hurt him..not sure
[Your Scariest Moment?]: i dunno maybe some of the stuff with my dad...
[The Silliest Thing You've Ever Said?: i don't know i say alot of silly things...and noises...lol sarah
[The Worst Feeling in the World?]: theres alot
[The Best Feeling in the World?]: laughing or being truely in love but the one that won't cause pain is laughing unless you laugh till your tummy hurts.

--------------THIS OR THAT
[Me/You]: depends on the you
[Coke/Pepsi]: NIETHER i love milk!!
[Day/Night]: night
[Aol/Aim]: aim
[Cd/Casette]: cd
[Dvd/Vhs]: dvd
[Jeans/khakis]: jeans
[Car/Truck]: car
[taller/shorter]: for me...i would like to be a little taller but i'm okay being short
[Lunch/Dinner]: lunch
[NSYNC/BSB]: ugh...just ugh
[Gap/Old Navy]: again ugh just ugh
[Lipstick/Lip gloss]: lip gloss
[Silver/Gold]: silver

[Do you have a bf/gf?]: not at the moment
[If you're single... why are you single?]: i dunno i just am
[If you're not single... give details?]: no details to be told...i'm single
[Who was your first love?]: hmm......................................
[What do you miss about them?]: nothing...
[What is the biggest mistake you've made in your life?]: that could take a while i'll just skip it
[What is the last thing you said?]: to myself (out loud) she's a fucking bitch!! to some one else- ya bye
[Who is the last person you saw?]: my mom...
[Who is the last person you hugged?]: my mom hugged me but the last person i hugged...i think my grandpa cause he's like my dad
[Who is the last person you fought with?]: my mom.
[What is the last TV show you saw]: who's line is it any way

----------------THE PRESENT
[What are you wearing?]: black tank top, sweater thingy, and cargo pants
[What are you doing?]: listening to music and doing this shit.
[Who are you talking to?]: myslef and my cat
[What song are you listening to?]: meh a mixed cd
[Where are you]: my moms room cause she's a fuck face and has the computer in here
[Who are you with?] : my cat
[Are you in a chatroom?]: nope

[What day is it tomorrow?] wed.
[What are you going to do after this?] food haven't had breakfast yet
[Who are you going to talk to?:] who ever gets online or calls me
[Where are you going to go?] kitchen
[How old will you be when you graduate?] 18
[What do you want to be?]: i'm not sure
[Drink?]: maybe
[Smoke?]: nope
[Stolen?]: not planing on it
[Do anything illegal?]: perhaps i dunno
[Hit someone?]: probably..if the pattern continues

[What do you most like about your body?]: my eyes
[And least?]: my belly
[How many fillings do you have?]: 1
[Do other people often tell you that you're good-looking?]: meh i don't know
[Do you look like any celebrities?]: no
[Do you wear a watch?]: no but if i had one i would
[How many coats and jackets do you own?]: alot
[Favorite pants/skirt color?]: black or jean
[Most expensive item of clothing?]: my bathing suit...over $100 bitches
[What kind of shoes do you wear?]: my vans (new and old) converse (black) and flip flops
[How long does it take you get ready in the mornings?] 10 to dry my hair, 2 for make up, uhm 3 to get dressed? about half an hour cause in between each i have to help my mom
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