A happy and pleasant Saturday night to all of you.
I think at this point it goes without saying, but I've been one very busy Patrick the last few weeks. The new semester itself is pretty easy-going, like a Jamaican afternoon. I'm only doing three classes: Electomagnetics, Wireless Service Techniques, and Astronomy.
You would think that with only three classes, school would be a breeze, eh? Not so much.
First of all, on top of my classes, I'm still working for the radio station. I'm there Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. There's always something to be done there. Two of my friends started their work placement there last Friday, so I'm going to be spending a fair bit of time showing them the ropes. My job there is so much more rewarding than the factory ever was. There's a certain amount of respect that I get when I'm there which I've never experienced before. It's exactly what I want in a work environment, which is interesting, since I was offered a full time position after graduation. My boss keeps saying, "Are you sure you can't get your wife to move up here?". I suppose that in the time between graduation and the time I actually move to Missouri I'll be happy to take the job. It's job experience, right?
Class and work aside, I'm sure you all remember
Operation: First Contact , right? Right? You've all been keeping up on the website? What's that, you say? You haven't? I don't blame you. I, Patrick Neelin, (also known as Webmaster P), haven't done a good job at really keeping it up to date. Things with Operation: First Contact are in full swing right now. In fact, we're in the final push at this point. We've been staying at the school until late at night pretty much all week, doing some last-minute building and testing. Outside of tonight, I haven't had the time to sit down for a single meal all week. Why all the late nights, you ask?
We've got one week left! One week of hardcore testing and rehearsing. One more week of super-late nights. There are people to contact, rooms to set up, equipment to debug.
Of course, sometimes things go wrong and we panic. We're working on that, I promise.