Apr 03, 2005 23:25
I think I'm going to finish my tattoo before I post any SG pics... Or maybe do the pictures now and then post them as I add to it.
I kind of want to complete all the elements and have it go across to my left hip (so from left to right it would read: fire earth water air - with air already tattooed on my right).
Just the thought of it makes me feel awesome. It represents unification and harmony to me. Everything within on the outside.
I still need to get the tiny usb cable for my camera phone which i found at best buy for about $30 (which i won't have for a few weeks because i gots ta pay ma bills!!!). Then I'll post the pictures of Teressa and I being delinquents and fondling the sheep at Saks.
by the way, i obviously have a new pic, and if you don't like it "put a socket in it" HAH :D